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FAA investigating near miss on O'Hare runway last week

Whoops.. Can't imagine what could be wrong with turning on to an active runway without permission... ( Más...

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Jerry that was very lucky for this airliner indeed. Never the less we don't want a repeat of the 1979 DC10 AA191 happening again to any airliner or any incident to lose lives at all
linbb 1
For some reason could be Preacher might enlighten us on the facts here, taxi ways and runways seem to be confusing. Readouts are quick and contain lots of info depending on the airport. I was lucky enough not to fly into those in a light AC. But that brings to mind another problem with small AC. If the runway lights and or taxi way lights are off of the ground as some airports are its hard to pick out everything due to being much closer to the ground in say a Cessna 172 than in an airliner. Been there took off at night on the taxi way, they thanked me and asked that next time please use the runway.AAAAHHHH oops.
preacher1 1
I really don't have anything to add about this story other than I reread the story and it said that Eagle was cleared and on it's t/o roll; that it steered around and apparently went on it's way. I have to ask again, was he rotating and just veer off to one side or what? At any big airport it is easy to miss something as rapid fire as readbacks are given. I really never have paid that kind of attention to runway lights so I'll leave you to your own devices, other than to say there is not a lot of aboveground stuff out there. You gonna tell your age if you ain't careful. LOL
mattburgers201 1
Eagle was not rotating when the a/c came off the taxi way or runway be it they would have being at V1 which in this case caused an abort landing or server skidding which could have lead to over shooting the runway causing damage to the aircraft
preacher1 3
I just wonder about the use of the term "steered around it". Did he abort takeoff and steer around it or did he continue takeoff and rotate over the top of him. Either way, must have been interesting for the pax.
bentwing60 1
The United Express plane, traveling to Toronto, "had just begun to enter runway 28 Right" when the pilot of the American Eagle Embraer 145 steered around it and departed safely en route to Columbus, Ohio, Molinaro said. Sounds like the offending plane was not yet fully on the runway and the Eagle guy saw him and swerved around him and then flew away. At any rate, kudos to him! Night is the most hazardous time on the big multi-runway commercial airports. A fully functional taxi display (IPAD) or alert first officer would have prevented this occurrence. Loss of situational awareness is the cause and believe me I've had lapses in the thick of things. I believe it is the most prominent factor in modern era accidents. And the most difficult to eradicate!
preacher1 1
Especially at ORD where it is not only multi-runway but multi directional runways.

bentwing60 2
Yep. You guys thawing out yet?
preacher1 1
Starting to. Fixing to run into town but still trashy


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