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Single-Pilot Airliner Possibilities

The airliner flight deck of the future, which might feature one seat in the cockpit for a captain and one on the ground, occupied by “super dispatcher” or first officer. ( Más...

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joel wiley 0
So, the First Officer/Super Dispatcher is 'on' 8-9 flights at once. Two A/C get into a situation where the SOSD's complete attention is needed in both places at once. A third A/C enters the picture with complete failure of radios. After the investigation lets compare prior cost savings with the increase in insurance premiums.
You're in good hands with Allstate.
canuck44 1
I have two words for that: Jim Fixx

preacher1 3
Until further notice, I would call BS. To many times, situations happen in cockpit when you would not have time to request dedicated service from the ground, not to mention when that happens that the or 8-9 AC get dumped onto another dispatcher. These guys have probably never been in the pointey end of any big iron and are like the Airbus computer programmers, have no business messing with something they think they know rather than how something actually is.
linbb 1
But wait the next gen will be electric, just another BS story taking up space.
preacher1 1
And we are paying all these folks with our hard earned money for something nobody but an airline bean counter wants. But, it keeps them in a job, bless their hearts.


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