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10 Dead And 13 Injured After Greek F16 Crashes On Take-Off At NATO Air Base In Albacete, Central Spain

10 people have died and 13 have been injured after a Greek F16 fighter jet has crashed on take-off inside the Los Llanos air base in Albacete, central Spain, a Defence Ministry spokesman confirmed by telephone to The Spain Report. ( Más...

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latteju 1
“the canopy came off”, but “ejection was not observed”
Can someone educate me: is ejecting from an F16 (or any fighter in general?) a 2-move or a 1-move action?
* 2-move: the pilot needs to make 2 actions: (1) dump canopy (2) eject seat
* 1-move: only 1 move for the pilot: pull the handle and canopy will come off and seat will eject.
In the latter case: could the quote at the beginning indicate a malfunction? Or is there always soe delay between the canopy coming off and the seat ejecting. In this case, the crash would have happened during that delay?
oowmmr 1
That sucks, big time!!

Omg how sad
Quackers 2
Tragic. Very tragic. Based on the little bit that I've read about this it sort of mimics green ramp. Busy and crowded tarmac + downed plane = bad news...
My father experienced Green Ramp for himself. This definitely sounds like Green Ramp.
Mark Duell 0
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Greek F16 crashes in Spain during NATO exercise

Ten people have died after a Greek air force F-16 jet crashed at a base in Los Llanos in southeastern Spain, a senior Spanish defense official told CNN.

The jet crashed on takeoff, hitting other planes on the ground during a NATO training exercise, the official -- by custom not named -- said.


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