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Emirates plans two-class Airbus A380, dropping first class suites

Emirates exec confirms the Gulf airline will axe its prestigious first class suites on some Airbus A380s from late next year. ( Más...

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Scott Campbell 1
Yea Jeff so read first , ... Comment second :)

Dustin Schultz 1
It's just a matter of time until they fly the a380 from Dubai to Mumbai that will hold 650 people.
Jeff Lawson 1
Both of these articles were first published in May 2014. AUSBT is experiencing some bug that is putting current dates on old articles. If you are unable to squawk an URL, then that is because it was already submitted. Using tinyurl to bypass the rejection defeats the purpose.
Cameron Smith 1
This is an UPDATE to an earlier article, the UPDATE was made last night with new information. If you read the article you will see there is a 'PREVIOUS' tag which shows the original article. It's not a bug, many blogs do this.
Steve Johnson 0
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Emirates: Airbus A380 to get first class private bedroom

Emirates will reveal a new private bedroom on its Airbus A380 "very soon" as the Gulf colossus and Qantas partner plots its response to Gulf neighbour and competitor Etihad's A380 three-room The Residence.


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