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(Video) Rocket Through The Majestic Cascade Mountains In An F-15E Strike Eagle

This is quite possibly the best F-15E Strike Eagle video of all time. F-15E cockpit videos are rare to begin with, but one that shows the 'Mud Hen' in its natural, low-level environment in brilliant HD is even rarer. Amazing. ( Más...

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Torsten Hoff 3
Direct link:
Torsten Hoff 2
Did someone edit my original Squawk? It no longer goes to the original destination and links to a ldifferent ow-quality video instead. My direct link above is correct.
linbb 2
Only way they can is to use your log on and pass word. What part of the cascades is this in by the way. I went to the other site with the Idaho canyon in it and was wondering where in the H did all the trees go. Also which AFB did it go out of? Thanks ps love ACDC anyway.
Gary morigeau 1
Looked at the direct link above. Looks like Cascades, Columbia River, and eastern WA or OR.
Gary morigeau 1
I agree, Not in the Cascades.
joel wiley 1
Which one? Torsten's direct link appears to show Mt. Rainier at 3:33. Looks like he took an afternoon 'drive' to do some autumnal leaf peeping.

joel wiley 1
Just a WAG, 366th out of Mountain Home, ID?
joel wiley 1
Don't know about the camera craft, but the wingman at the last was 88-1678
Torsten Hoff 1
I believe one of the moderators might have done it, someone with the ability to edit and delete Squawks. The Squawk I posted originally went to a story on, it never directly linked to a video, which is why I posted the direct link to the video immediately afterwards.


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