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Two planes 'clip' each other on Dublin Airport runway

There are reports that two planes have come into contact on the ground at Dublin Airport this morning. It is understood two Ryanair planes "clipped each other" in the incident on a taxiway in the airport - there are no reports of any injuries. Witnesses at the scene have shared photos on social media which appear to show damage to the wings of both aircraft. ( Más...

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Lloyd Boyette 0
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Two Ryanair planes collide

Two Ryanair planes have clipped each other while taxiing to the runway at Dublin.
dbaker 1
Was this really on a runway?
Tim Duggan 1
No, of course not...typical media lack of precision in reporting. The article clearly states the accident occurred "while taxiing".

Maybe these writers get confused because the walkway at a fashion show is called a "runway".
LittleT 0
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Two Ryanair planes collided on the runway at Dublin Airport this morning

This is not going to be a good day for Ryanair. Or should we say Anair...

ssidibe 0
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Ryanair Planes Damaged In Runway Collision

The aircraft, two Boeing 737s, clipped each other while taxiing on the runway this morning.

No injuries were reported after the wing tip of one plane scraped the tail of the other, said a Ryanair spokeswoman.

There were expected to be minor delays to other flights due to the incident.

"Two of our aircraft were taxiing slowly to the runway at Dublin Airport this morning," the airline's spokeswoman said.
The winglet of one aircraft appears to have scraped the tail of the other

"The Air Accident Investigation Unit (AAIU) of the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport has been notified and will conduct a further investigation," said an IAA spokesman.


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