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The End of the ATP - Pibots to replace pilots

Looks like robot manufactures have finally found a viable alternative to airline transport pilots. It's name is Pibot. Regional airlines are rumored to be considering adding pibots in the near future. ( Más...

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Marcus Pradel 2
So, Koreans are so afraid of their own airline captains they want to replace them with robots? <sarcasm>
sparkie624 2
LOL... This is funny... So now we have computers who cannot think for themselves who will be controlling other computers that can't control themselves to safely fly passengers... What do we do when one of these pops a CB.
preacher1 1
can we say CRASH????????
sparkie624 1
We can say it, and I bet they can do it...
bbabis 2
Kind of a senseless but neat idea. The real issue though is going to be figuring out how to "power" the pilot through the aircraft systems instead of with coffee and doughnuts.
sparkie624 1
Neat but not practical.

David Calejo 2
This will probably be about 50 years down the road. After observing the robot fly in the video demonstration, it has a lot to learn, like a regular student pilot. It'll have to learn IFR and how do emergency procedures and crosswinds, and many more. So All you future ATP pilots out there, relax, you'll get to fly your big boys:) Very cool though to see how technology is evolving

[This poster has been suspended.]

preacher1 2
Wonder if that SIM program has a good thunderstorm in it, about 20 miles from the field after you've already stabilized your approach. Can it say GO AROUND or TOGA?
bentwing60 2
The token human will be there to close the door. What more could you want for $22,000 a year.


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