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Grumpy Controllers

In many ways the job of air traffic controller is a tough one. When things are busy, they handle too many airplanes, too many frequencies and too many sectors all while working what amounts to a heck of a long day. Does this explain bad behavior on their part? Yes! Does it excuse it? It doesn’t. ( Más...

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Matt Kladder 2
As an ATC myself I see behind the scenes, unfortunately there are just grumpy people, (probably true with every profession) but most enjoy their jobs and do well. However, even the most patient person will get worn down after a long day of thunderstorm delays, or snow events, or on the last hour of their Friday, it just wears on you. But, I strive to never let those things get in the way, and I like to believe most of my co-workers are the same.

Chuck Me 2
Lots of controller hate coming from that magazine lately.
joel wiley 1
A spinoff on the old 'if it bleeds, it leads' journalism perhaps?
preacher1 2
Human nature I guess but the biggest end of the article devoted to the grumpy. About a paragraph devoted to the good. No expounding or praising there. That don't sell magazines.
Chuck Me 1

Also in my experience, when somebody feels that everybody around them is "rude" or "grumpy" - it's usually a case of the guy in the mirror with the problem. Not the entire world out to make them have a bad day. Occam's razor and what not.
preacher1 1
Yeah, but I just know there wouldn't be any rude pilots out there. LOL
preacher1 3
Somebody told me one time that if your neighbor was grumpy all the time, he might live next door to a grouch.
preacher1 1
Add to all the other reasons, it was Monday as well. LOL


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