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Canadian Air Force takes parts from museum to fix ailing aircraft

The Royal Canadian Air Force has quietly turned to an unusual source for spare parts to keep its venerable search-and-rescue airplanes flying: a museum. In July 2012, air force technicians raided an old Hercules airplane that is on display at the National Air Force Museum of Canada because they needed navigational equipment for a similar aircraft still in use. ( Más...

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David Stark 1
The Frantics anticipated this.
skylab72 1
understandable mistake
RetAF 1
Reminds me of "back in the day" when the Brits got into that scrape with the Argentinians over the Falkland Islands. Seemed they were out of receiver probes for some of their Vulcans so they came to the 8th Air Force Museum here at Barksdale AFB and took the refueling probe off the Vulcan on display.
Scott Wilson 1
They took parts off a display F-105 at Lackland AFB to fix an ANG Thud back in the early 80s. They've been pulling parts out of the Boneyard at Davis-Monthan to keep B-52s and other planes flying since just about forever. This is nothing new.

Don Rogers 1
The writer neglected to mention 10+ C-130J-30's that Canada has; most less than 5 years old.
Mark Stone 1
Old news. I "borrowed" a wing tip from a static display USAF aircraft back in 1984 to repair a Navy T-39....and yes, I paid them back....
Chris B 1
Not that unusual an occurrence.
joel wiley 2
Parts is parts as long as they work. Maybe check Tucson?
matt jensen 2
They could have just called us - we have stacks of Herky parts
CaptainFreedom 2
Hilarious....but not really....Putin must be shaking in his boots at our ability to defend our claim on the Northwest Passage.
canuck44 2
Their Sea Kings are over 50 years old (essentially older than any pilot flying them) and are still operational. The Buffalo aircraft have been flying since the mid sixties and will be 50 years old soon. Supposedly parts can be obtained for them from Viking Air which bought up the rights to the DHC-5 and a number of other DeHavilland models.
preacher1 1
FYI, just to let you know, they found lung cancer in me in late July. I have had all kinds of biopsies and scans since then. Surgery in a couple of weeks. They said slow growing and not in lymph nodes. Surgeon says upper lobe, maybe whole lung but he won't know until he gets in there. I'll let you know.


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