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American B752 drops 7500 feet due to severe turbulence

"We lost altitude due to severe turbulence and are climbing back to FL350". The aircraft leveled off at FL350 about 10 minutes after departing FL350 and continued the flight to Brasilia for a safe landing without further incident. ( Más...

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WtfWtf 1
How does this happen? Downdraft that high up?
preacher1 3
That will put your tummy in yer throat, I don't care who you are

canuck44 2
LOL...or a lower part of the GI tract.
preacher1 3
LOL. yep, it might even cause some pants to change color and plumb stop your deodorant from working. LOL. On the serious side, it is a testament to the 757 that it held together. For the pilot to say that it was at the edge of structural limits is an understatement. Most I ever took in one was about 4500' out west of Denver. We were inbound and came on in OK but mx chief grounded it for about 3 days and went over it with a fine tooth comb. Lot's more than was required. I didn't have time to let it change my britches color but I sure puckered the hell out of that seat. It was like trying to ride a bronc.


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