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New Electric Trainer from Pipistrel Takes Flight

Pipistrel's new WATTsUP, a two-seat airplane design targeted for flight training, took flight last week, and Pipistrel hopes to deliver it to customers as soon as next year. The Siemens AG motor that powers WATTsUP weighs just over 30 pounds and produces 85kW. Pipistrel claims the motor produces more power than a Rotax 912 and can be fully charged in about one hour thanks to the company's battery management technology. ( Más...

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Jimmy Robinson 0
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

ipistrel WATTsUP Two-Place Electric Trainer Makes First Flight

Pipistrel announced the first flight of its fifth electric aircraft—the proof-of-concept two-place electric trainer WATTsUP—on August 22. The company plans to debut the air-plane to the public at the Salon de Blois air show in France, August 30-31.

WATTsUP teamed with Siemens AG, provider of the electric main propulsion components. According to a company press release, every single element of aircraft was made lighter, more efficient, and more reliable. The 85 kW electric motor weighs just a shade less than 31 pounds, yet packs more power than Rotax 912 series engines.

mrvair 1
Maybe they could shorten that name to "Doc"...


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