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Knee-defender sees passengers kicked off United flight

Airline passengers have come to expect a tiny escape from the confined space of today's packed planes: the ability to recline their seat a few inches. When one passenger was denied that bit of personal space, it led to a heated argument and the unscheduled landing of their plane, just halfway to its destination. ( Más...

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yoteun 0
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Knees Need a Defender: There’s No Excuse for Leaning Back on an Airplane

Nobody over six feet tall is surprised that a couple of passengers got into a fight on a United flight from Newark to Denver over the use of a gadget called Knee Defender — two small, wedge-like devices that prevent the seat in front of you from reclining. The passenger using the device, a guy seated in a middle row, refused to remove it when the woman seated in front of him tried to recline. Words were exchanged; then a cup of water was hurled aft. The flight was diverted to Chicago, and the two were removed.
lynx318 1
Maybe seats should be locked upright and a passenger-1 wishing to recline should ask through steward for permission from passenger-2 behind & steward can unlock the seat. If passenger-2 says no, that's it, end of argument or passenger-1 may be barred from future flights. Just a thought, not trying to start a fight, just suggesting a solution.
Irene Hayes 1
IMO, since deregulation, airlines have gotten worse at getting us from point A to point B and better at lining their corporate pockets. They do that by systematically making seats narrower and closer together. (It is the frog in the pot of (boiling or not) water. It is horrible to say but I travel fewer times and move to Business or First to do it. I realize others can't do the same and empathize for them.
Charlie Kovacs 2
The way to resolve the knee and leg room problem is to get approval from the FAA to appprove a section of the airplane where there is standing room only. This will solve the economy seating problem and the ability to reclining the seat, as for the need for seat belts we will look at that issue later. Yes deregulation has gone to far and the need to bring back big brother. A simple solution could be as easy as removing one or two rows of seats instead of 40 rows make it comfortable.
Ed Stephens 2
A compromise is for recliners to gently recline their seat so that they do not injure the passengers behind them. The core problem is that general courtesy is lacking among air travelers today. Whenever one takes an action that impinges on another's space, like reclining a seat, a little courtesy goes a long way.
Irene Hayes 1
Remember, this person could NOT recline.
Jeff K 1
What a total jerk! He has NO right to infringe upon another. She paid for that seat and the ability to recline it if she damn well pleases.
TO RECLINE ..OR NOT YO RECLINE ...daaa daaa daaa uhhhhhhhhh...
Scott Campbell 10
Wow! How else can we control more of nothing, if you want a seat that won't recline in front of you pay for
the bulk head or any row 21 on United and ? on other airlines or take your cheap seat and bitch about something else. Geez, if you need that much control ... DRIVE ! Do we need to post the rules of common sense on overhead
bins - so idiotic flyers can learn something, ... how the worlds FA's put up with it I'll never know.
steve rogers 6
knee defender ? somebody should invent a passenger interrupter !

Jamie Bikales 1
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Legroom fight diverts flight

A United Airlines flight from Newark to Denver was diverted after two passengers had an altercation about the use of recline-blocking devices.
John Palmer 2
What we really need is to bring Federal regulation back to the airlines so that passengers get a fair shake on the flying environment complaints as opposed to be treated like cattle that must pay for the privilege of being treated like one!
sharon bias 7
Just goes to show that Economy Plus seating doesn't mean much in extra knee room. Knee room and leg room have always been 2 different things as far as I'm concerned.


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