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You don’t need to be a terrorist to get on no-fly list, US manual says

Federal agencies have nominated more than 1.5 million names to terrorist watchlists over the past five years alone, yet being a terrorist isn't a condition of getting on a roster that is virtually impossible to be removed from, according to a leaked US "Watchlisting Guidance" manual. ( Más...

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Jim Anderson 1
I was on the list back in 2002-2003 for 8 months...
BaronG58 2
Just curious. How did you make the list? Jim Anderson...can't have a more American name than that.
JetMech24 2
Maybe that's why, it's so American it HAS to be fake. lol
BaronG58 1
Good point.

Martin Haisman 1
Ha ha my brother was stopped in LA because of our surname.
matt jensen 1
Edward "Ted" Kennedy was on the list for years. So, it can happen to anyone.
joel wiley 2
The author's publishing his article, Mr Hoff's squawk, and my comment may well be enough for list nomination. Your reading this may too.
Bernie20910 2
Irrelevant to me, since I stopped flying years ago when air travel stopped being enjoyable.
joel wiley 7
It may become relevant if the list becomes a shared resource among agencies beyond the ones now using it.
Bernie20910 0
Still not seeing it. I'm retired, never fly anymore, and if I travel I drive.


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