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RCMP's Piaggio P180 Avanti only brings $1.3 million at auction

Bargain for unidentified buyer, Piaggio described as 'niche' aircraft by unidentified expert, although their take on aircraft's specs differs from manufacturer's, which give 2795km range at FL390, with top airspeed given as 395kn. ( Más...

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matt jensen 1
Hey they got a good deal - congrats to the new owner.

biz jets 1
This was Giuliano Zaccardelli's private plane - head of the RCMP - who was allowed to resign after getting caught playing with the RCMP Pension fund. RCMP also had a moratorium on buying any more bizjets - due to the misuse of their Westwind jet. To get around this the scam artist who ran the RCMP - order the next best thing - a Piaggio Avanti.


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