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AC1174 declares mayday

Ninety-three Air Canada passengers and crew are shaken but safe after their flight issued a mayday ( Más...

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preacher1 4
So much minor stuff happening these days that has been happening for years and getting horrific reactions from pax and the media, then they bitch on the other hand about the money flight crews are paid. Most of this crap is routine and trained for by the crews as a regular happening, rather than a breathless, near death experience as is often described.
A "mayday" is NEVER a minor thing. Loss of control over flight control surfaces that requires an aborted approach is a significant problem and not "routine". I have also rarely, if ever, heard complaints about flight crew pay.
preacher1 1
I would agree that Mayday is not a minor thing, but in listening to the ATC on the link below, I didn't hear MAYDAY. I heard an aborted approach and put me out over the lake to clean up and figure out what's going on but he didn't really seem panicked. As far as the pay, you just haven't listened much.
biz jets 2
ATC recording;
bettiem 1
Thank you for sharing that link. Considering the good outcome, it's a pleasure to listen to it. All very well trained, well prepared and very professional.

steve rogers 0
its no wonder, with the news lately .
Colin Seftel -1
The plane was an A-320.


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