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Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 Black Boxes Found, Will be Turned Over to International Authorities

Rebels in Donetsk in Ukraine say they believe have recovered the black boxes from the downed Malaysia Airlines jet and will turn them over to the international aviation authorities. Donetsk rebel leader Alexander Borodai said that his people have found “details which look like the black boxes” and confirmed he will hand them over to the International Civil Aviation Organization, but not to the Ukrainians.... ( Más...

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rafael63 1
They are returning the boxes, minus the hard drives...
mark holmes -4
RE: Altered Data on MH17 Flight Tracks on FA: ****IMPORTANT*******

I am posting this again because the link that I posted before did not appear anywhere you could find it....this is the link to the buried story that I can't find anymore without a very significant effort: here is where it was posted before it got buried:

if I have received a response from FlightAware, I can't see it in my email.

To All Members of FlightAware:

I am going to post an email that I sent today to FA, as well as the receipt that I got from them right afterwarda....Please PLEASE PLEASE JOIN ME TO GET REAL ANSWERS:


Subject: Flight Aware dot com: Please Explain ASAP!

Monday 931am 7 21 2014

Below you will see the post that I made to your website early this morning at
about 224am Central Time.

This post represents evidence, now verified by other observers that Flight Track
Data has been altered in
your computer system regarding at least one and possibly multiple histories for
MAH Flight MH17.

Specifically on the days leading up to the tragic events on 4 17 2014, and
specifically on the 14th July 2014:

1. Your site previously reported that the MH17 flight went well south of the
Russian / Ukraine Border, flying OVER the Azov Sea, as shown and observed by
many commentators, as well as a screen print that I will try to attach along
2. The current version of your report for the flight MH17 on 4 17 2014 NOW HAS
CHANGED, and clearly shows the flight flying directly over the 90 degree north
to east "corner" of the Territorial Border, which is directly over the war

I will attempt to attach a PDF of the two screen prints, one from Tyler Durden's
report (zerohedge dot com) reported by globalresearch dot ca.

I am covering copy of this request to Tyler as well as posting it to several
sites in an effort to get this word out. I will relay the message to several
journalists, as well as GlobalResearch dot ca, and ensure that your members also
see this post, as well as your response.


1. Why did this change happen?
2. If your position is that it did NOT change (flight track on MH17 for 7 14
2014) please explain why you believe this information is incorrect.
3. Did you receive outside requests to alter this information and
4. If so, from WHOM?
5. Is this typical of your record keeping, and if not, why not?
6. If someone did change this information, please explain your plan to continue
to maintain the trust you have so clearly earned in the past from all your
membership. Please give us ALL the Details.

Mark Holmes
[email protected]
CC: Tyler Durden at Zerohedge dot com, GlobalResearch dot CA, Wayne Madsen at
WayneMadsenreport dot com, John Caylor at insider-magazine dot com

////begin post////// /////// I apologize for the typos//////////

Is something strange going on at Flight Aware?? Two completely different
versions of the track of MH17 on the 14 th of July, for example, seem to be
documented. One is the oft quoted version that is on this page, in summary in
the graph at the top. That track took the plane on flight MH17 on 7 14 2014 over
the sea of Arzov.

There is even a screen print of it in an article from, in the
Russian version.

Then there is the current version early am central time 7 21 2014. That one
shows the plane going directly over the war zone on the 14th.

See the paste that I posed elsewhere with the links. Someone check it out for
yourself now, and see if something looks odd, please.

Here's the detail I posted earlier directly on

1. Someone apparently changed the FA data online for some of flight paths from
one day to the next. OR
2. Someone did a really good job of forging a screen print of the Russian
version of FA which showed MH17 going far south of the war zone, directly over
the sea of Arzov, as reported by many here. Many have commented that for days
before the 17th, MH17 always flew outside the war zone.
3. Look at this link and pay attention to the departure and arrival times etc
for the 14th of July, and you see FA version of the 14th MH17 flight from a
couple of days ago with path Nowhere the border zone:

4. BUT...LOOK AT THE CURRENT FA MODEL....IT SHOWS THE same exact flight, but NOW
IT GOES NORTH OF THE Sea of Arzov, and directly over the Ukraine Ruassian did this happen??

5. Look yourself....I'm seeing a huge discrepancy on the track of MH17 on the
14th right now at 110am Monday 7 21 you see it?

What is going on FA??? Who is altering data, you or the authors of the story
quoted by

/////////end of post//////

This communication may be unconstitutionally collected and stored by elements of
the United States Government or its partners in secret. The parties to this
email do not consent to the collection, storage, or retrieval of this
communication and any derived metadata, as well as printing, copying,
re-transmitting, disseminating, or otherwise using it in a manner prohibited by
the Fourth Amendment and the sovereign rights of an individual person. If you
believe you have received this communication in error, please delete it

Open Attachment email to flight aware dot com july 21 2014 1005am central.pdf Open

///////END MESSAGE SENT TO FLIGHT AWARE 7 21 2014//////




FlightAware <[email protected]> thanks!////////

Monday, July 21, 2014 10:20 AM
FlightAware <[email protected]>
Holmesmd <[email protected]>
Subject: Request received: NOTIFICATION: Flight Aware dot com: Please Explain ASAP!
##- Please type your reply above this line -##

Your request (#28968) has been received and is being reviewed by our support staff.

To add additional comments, reply to this email or click the link below:



Jul 21 10:20 AM

Subject: Flight Aware dot com: Please Explain ASAP!

Monday 931am 7 21 2014

Below you will see the post that I made to your website early this morning at about 224am Central Time.

This post represents evidence, now verified by other observers that Flight Track Data has been altered in
your computer system regarding at least one and possibly multiple histories for MAH Flight MH17.

Specifically on the days leading up to the tragic events on 4 17 2014, and specifically on the 14th July 2014:

1. Your site previously reported that the MH17 flight went well south of the Russian / Ukraine Border, flying OVER the Azov Sea, as shown and observed by many commentators, as well as a screen print that I will try to attach along with
2. The current version of your report for the flight MH17 on 4 17 2014 NOW HAS CHANGED, and clearly shows the flight flying directly over the 90 degree north to east "corner" of the Territorial Border, which is directly over the war zone.

I will attempt to attach a PDF of the two screen prints, one from Tyler Durden's report (zerohedge dot com) reported by globalresearch dot ca.

I am covering copy of this request to Tyler as well as posting it to several sites in an effort to get this word out. I will relay the message to several journalists, as well as GlobalResearch dot ca, and ensure that your members also see this post, as well as your response.


1. Why did this change happen?
2. If your position is that it did NOT change (flight track on MH17 for 7 14 2014) please explain why you believe this information is incorrect.
3. Did you receive outside requests to alter this information and
4. If so, from WHOM?
5. Is this typical of your record keeping, and if not, why not?
6. If someone did change this information, please explain your plan to continue to maintain the trust you have so clearly earned in the past from all your membership. Please give us ALL the Details.

Mark Holmes
[email protected]
CC: Tyler Durden at Zerohedge dot com, GlobalResearch dot CA, Wayne Madsen at WayneMadsenreport dot com, John Caylor at insider-magazine dot com

////begin post////// /////// I apologize for the typos//////////

Is something strange going on at Flight Aware?? Two completely different
versions of the track of MH17 on the 14 th of July, for example, seem to be
documented. One is the oft quoted version that is on this page, in summary in
the graph at the top. That track took the plane on flight MH17 on 7 14 2014 over
the sea of Arzov.

There is even a screen print of it in an article from, in the
Russian version.

Then there is the current version early am central time 7 21 2014. That one
shows the plane going directly over the war zone on the 14th.

See the paste that I posed elsewhere with the links. Someone check it out for
yourself now, and see if something looks odd, please.

Here's the detail I posted earlier directly on

1. Someone apparently changed the FA data online for some of flight paths from
one day to the next. OR
2. Someone did a really good job of forging a screen print of the Russian
version of FA which showed MH17 going far south of the war zone, directly over
the sea of Arzov, as reported by many here. Many have commented that for days
before the 17th, MH17 always flew outside the war zone.
3. Look at this link and pay attention to the departure and arrival times etc
for the 14th of July, and you see FA version of the 14th MH17 flight from a
couple of days ago with path Nowhere the border zone:

4. BUT...LOOK AT THE CURRENT FA MODEL....IT SHOWS THE same exact flight, but NOW
IT GOES NORTH OF THE Sea of Arzov, and directly over the Ukraine Ruassian did this happen??

5. Look yourself....I'm seeing a huge discrepancy on the track of MH17 on the
14th right now at 110am Monday 7 21 you see it?

What is going on FA??? Who is altering data, you or the authors of the story
quoted by

/////////end of post//////

This communication may be unconstitutionally collected and stored by elements of the United States Government or its partners in secret. The parties to this email do not consent to the collection, storage, or retrieval of this communication and any derived metadata, as well as printing, copying, re-transmitting, disseminating, or otherwise using it in a manner prohibited by the Fourth Amendment and the sovereign rights of an individual person. If you believe you have received this communication in error, please delete it immediately.

email to flight aware dot com july 21 2014 1005am central.pdf
This email is a service from FlightAware.

//////END OF RESPONSE FROM FLIGHT AWARE 7 21 2014///////

Thanks, all....please help me to follow up with FA.

preacher1 1
Last report was that while they found them, they are taking backwater on turning them over
Martin Haisman 1
Anyone with internet access knows what a "black box" FDR/CVR is. I hope they have not been tampered with although the CVR would only possibly have airframe or explosive sounds comparable a missile strike. Every little piece of the puzzle helps.
Sandy Sandmire 1
Flight Data Recorder & Cockpit Voice Recorder.
matt jensen 1
I'd be more interested on hearing the cockpit tapes.
Ill belive this when the black boxes are in the hands of ICAO

joel wiley 6
I'll believe it if and when the data is recovered from the FDR/CDR
Well I belive it now, But I agree, Is the Data still in tact?
joel wiley 1
Is tact in Russia, Ukraine, or the break-away republic? How close to Donetsk?


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