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LAN Boeing 787 Dreamliner lost cabin pressure, returns to Santiago

Passengers reported it became hot in the cabin and they felt lack of air, the inflight entertainment system was also shut down. The oxygen masks did not deploy. ( Más...

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joel wiley 3

From the tags, I would have thought the source was Fox or CNN.
Nothing about pressure. I have regularly found that it gets hotter when turning the A/C off.
Worse yet, of all horrors, the Inflight Entertainment failed, exacerbating the A/C.....

Poster has been member 4 months, 64 posts, 4/week- FA post daily part of their job description?

preacher1 3
The article didn't say anything about a pressure loss, which, if there wasn't, O2 masks would not deploy. It specifically said there was an air conditioning problem, which would have caused the loss of air and it would have got hot. I'm not sure but I believe the checklist calls for a precautionary descent as well.
preacher1 2
I remember riding an NWA CRJ200 from MEM to FSM one time that had no APU. The scheduled plane broke and this was all they had and they had a ground unit at FSM. The flight lasted a bit over an hour and they just kept passing out bottled water and damp washrags the entire time. Fairly cloudy so it wasn't that bad but it was definitely hot. LOL
Dubslow 8
If it truly lost pressure, "became hot" is not what would happen...


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