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EU-Mandated Switch to Pilot Texting Brings Risks

Clogged Bandwidth Has Messages to Air Controllers Bouncing Back, Causing Cockpit Distraction ( Más...

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Greg Held 3
Me either so why did someone post it

ltcjra 2
I apologize that the story would not post. I thought I had clearance to present it here. Now I know.
sparkie624 2
Things happen.. Don't worry about it.
Michael Gavin 2
If you do a Google search on the title, the second link takes you to the full article, which you can read. When you cut and paste the link to an email/post, the link takes you back to the WSJ "subscribe or else" site. Weird...
preacher1 2
Well, you can copy/paste the title to Google and read the article. Apparently WSJ doesn't throw out a paywall to them. LOL
Come on! You don't expect us to be smart enough to do all that, do ya?
ToddBaldwin3 2
Please don't post stories hidden behind a pay wall.
sparkie624 1
Accidents happen....
WithnailANDi 1
Can't read the article this links to without paying for a subscription to the Wall Street Journal.
WithnailANDi 1
All the thumbs-ups must be from WSJ subscribers...


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