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Dog poop forces unscheduled landing for a US Airways LAX-PHL flight

An early delay for US Airways Flight 598 did not help the folks onboard when a large service dog dropped several "bombs" in the center of the aisle causing people in the surrounding area to become ill from the delightful odor. The emergency landing was into Kansas City because the cabin crew ran out of cleaning supplies. To quote some of the media coverage of the incident: "it was a crappy flight." ( Más...

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Ejected 1
Actually the print article in the Huffington Post says it was "a service dog according to US Airways...." To paraphrase the Samuel Jackson "mega hit" movie title: "Poops on a Plane".... ;-]

WithnailANDi 1
I was a flight attendant for USAirways for five years, and it was against regulatiosn for pax to take their pet out in the aisle during a flight. The only animals allowed out of a carrier were seeing eye dogs, or DEA dogs (but DEA dogs usually just got on and off the plane while it was on the ground, I've never had a DEA dog fly with us). This article doesn't mention whether the animal was a service dog. If it wasn't, I can't imagine why it was allowed.
Ejected 0
Next time take a have a "poop" deck.......oh.... I guess US air Flt 598 does Does anyone remember the story about the guy taking a "poop" outside the lav in first class a few years back? Said lav's were all occupied and he couldn't hold it any longer.
Ejected 0
C'mon man. Walk the dog.....a lot.....before bringing it onboard. Yech......!!!!!!
canuck44 3
...or pic an airline that uses a clock instead of a calendar.
canuck44 3
Orientation...breaking them in for arrival in Phillie. Most considerate of US Air.


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