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Jet Lands with Cracked Windshield After Hailstorm

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — A US Airways jetliner flew through a hailstorm on its descent into Philadelphia on Thursday and landed with a cracked windshield, the airline said. Only one layer of the multilayered windshield was cracked and Flight 768 en route from Orlando, Florida, landed safely, airline officials said. No one was injured. The flight landed as hail — some reportedly the size of tennis balls — was falling across parts of eastern Pennsylvania, cracking car windshields, breaking windows and… ( Más...

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Flying Through A T-Storm That Severe Could Also Cause Damage To The Skin Of The Aircraft

Why The Crew Did Not Request A Different Approach To Get Away From The T-Storm??
preacher1 1
Read the comment below by Joe Milazzo
btweston 1
I guess this is preferable to failing to land with a cracked windshield...
sparkie624 1
One thing for sure, there is always only 1 alternative to landing... Because we have a 100% record with planes.... We never did get one stuck up there in the air that we cannot get down... They either come down and land, or come down and do something less desirable.
btweston 1
Right. They land or they don't. I thought my post was fairly obvious. Thanks.
sparkie624 1
Yes, and I was complimenting your statement...
btweston 1
You have an interesting way of doing so. Cheers.
sparkie624 1
My point was simply if you have a cracked windshield and you don't land... Your only choice is to crash, because you are not going to stay up there forever.... Landing is a much better option...

[This poster has been suspended.]

Rob Gibbs 0
No one here cares!!
john Gargiulo -1
What an idiot pilot , needs to retrained in basic weather. No reason of this, this pilot will get someone killed.
sparkie624 2
So what.. No body died.. Maintenance has to replace a windshield... Other than the Mechanics that have to do the job who cares... Not news worthy
CaptJeff 4
It's newsworthy because they may have been flying through or too close to weather that they should have avoided. If we start using "No body died.."[sic] as our yardstick for what is "newsworthy," I'm afraid we won't be reading very much news here.
btweston 0
Just so you know, CaptJeff, sparkie624 is a known asshole on this site. I know you don't like that language, but we're dealing with a short-sighted douchebag who truly believes that he knows everything. The opinion of a know-it-all is not worth a second glance, in my opinion.
CaptJeff 2
Ahh. Got it. Thanks btweston! I should just go back to my lurking position.
sparkie624 0
Not at all, I am just a realest...I do not know everything, and one thing that I do not know is why I am responding to such a low quality message as yours from someone who has nothing constructive to say...
sparkie624 -2
Crap happens... Next thing we will hear a captain spilled a cup of coffee in the console... Oh that has happened.... Geez... I had to fix it... Of Course he should not have set it above his EFIS control panel... That was not news and neither is this.

They should file and ODI report to the FAA and done, over with... No need for the news to be involved.
Unless there was something really extreme, which I could only think of a hijacking or running out of fuel, they should not have been that close to the weather. It could have turned out deadly.

[This poster has been suspended.]

That's the $3,000,000 question...
joe milazzo 6
Here's the $3M answer......Because NY center rerouted all traffic on the Bunts1 arrival, Direct RAV, Direct Bunts and when traffic advised ATC that they needed to deviate around the weather, they responded "negiate, due to military airspace." They boxed in airplanes.....PERIOD!!
The WX grew at an astronomical rate and gaps between storms closed extremely quickly. We barely got thru and advised Philly that the route will most likely not be viable for much longer.
bbabis 2
There is no reason to penetrate weather that may be hazardous to the aircraft. I've been there with the northeast controllers. Several years ago it was down to one safe corridor to fly with no room to turn around. The controller demanded we turn into the weather. I said we will maintain our current course or declare an emergency and maintain the course anyway. His choice. He said continue. Listening to traffic, he didn't give any other aircraft vectors because of us. Turned out he was separating us from airspace instead of other traffic. In todays's world of XmWx and ADS-B we never would have been there because we would have bypassed the whole mess.
Exactly, I did the same thing in a "little" Learjet with Washington center somewhere by the Delmarva peninsula. Every airplane, airliner and GA were giving in to the controller. I refused, he got pissed off and his exact comments were "you don't want to get wet." But he let me fly the course I wanted...
sparkie624 1
WOW.. Some controller going to have some splain'n to do...
Probably stocking up on the KY coupons...
preacher1 2
Tks Joe; glad ya'll made it down.
preacher1 3
15 years ago next Sunday, June 1, wx boxed in AA1420 at LIT. You just can't tell how fast it will close and it is a crapshoot at that point. You win some, you lose some.
spatr 0
Gotta get there on time!!!!
Tim Duggan 3
This is kind of a NON-story.

Years ago on a DC-10 we had a forward window overheat...turned it off, per the Checklist. This was at night, eastbound over the Atlantic Ocean. The thermal shock caused the outer pane (these are multiple pane windows) to shatter...quite impressive a sound, when it's RIGHT in front of your face!!

The FOM said as long as the internal pane was intact, we were "good to go", no action necessary....but, it was not a fun thing, sitting there the rest of the way.
CaptJeff 2
I think the STORY isn't the cracked windshield, but WHY it got cracked. Flying through hail means they were flying through or very close to a severe thunderstorm. It could have done a lot more damage than the window.
Tim Duggan 4
"CaptJeff" you might know, DRY hail does NOT show up on the weather radar.

Avoiding overhangs is basic, but sometimes even a careful diversion isn't always enough. We CANNOT 'fault' this crew from our armchairs!!!
CaptJeff 5
As a matter of fact, I do know. But to say this is a "NON-story" by citing your experience with a window pane shattering from a completely unrelated cause (thermal shock), is not the point. That's all I'm saying.

I am not "faulting" the crew from my armchair. I'm just saying that this might be a good time for airline pilots (like me) to assess the risks of getting too close to severe weather. The pressure to "keep the schedule" can be very strong. It made ME give pause.
RECOR10 -1
Bah, what do you know. Your "just" a fly guy...this is the internet.
sparkie624 2
Well I do know... I am a maintenance guy... Window is cracked... Ok.. Which one... I do not mean the left or right... There are 3 windows in one.. 3 layers... I am sure not all of them cracked. This article is BS and was obviously issued due to a slow news day.
Robert Cheeseman 1
They flew thru hail and only suffered a cracked windshield? Haaa, that would be a first. Aircraft that I've dealt with that have flown thru even pea-sized hail suffer from leading edge and radome damage of some sort.

Yeah hail that size would've eaten the radome and put cute ball-peen hammer dents on nacelles. leading edges, etc... I wonder why they chose to fly towards that kind of weather
And internal engine damage...
preacher1 2
Well, it does say they were on descent. Either they didn't want to divert or it was in wx they thought they could punch thru.


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