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Beautiful Images Of Airports From Above

The best view of the airport is definitely reserved for pilots. On her blog Holding Pattern, designer Lauren O'Neill collects beautiful satellite images of airport tarmacs from above, where the baggage fees and long lines and flight delays melt away into a neat, orderly vision of grass, concrete and tiny, toy-like planes. ( Más...

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Phil Brooks 4
A fun quiz for pilots and dispatchers! I had to avert my eyes though, to avoid seeing the airport IDs in the filenames...
Brad Littlejohn 1
Agreed, though I got the first one right from the start. Doesn't help that I live there, though, :)

Anywho, KATL just looks a mess! But too bad they couldn't get any of TNCM. That would be a good one to see overhead!
Charles Buckley 1
Agreed on Atlanta. "Attention flight 264. Taxi to gate 103. Do not go down the wrong aisle. Good luck."
Lauren ONeill 1
Hey Brad,

I'll definitely look into TNCM [SXM]!

Thanks for the suggestion!
Great theme on Beautiful Images of Airports.One is always on action stations to deplane or reconnect to actually appreciate the surroundings at these wonderful airports.Kudos to Lauren O'Neill and thanks for bring them to us.
Lauren ONeill 1
Thank you, Palak! Appreciate the kind words + so glad you're enjoying!!
ADXbear 3
I got a few of them.. Google earth is a neat place to visit airports with..
Barbara Woody 1
Fascinating for an old lady too afraid to fly... Maybe before I reach 75 ? You think ?
Thank you, Lauren O'Neill !!
Lauren ONeill 1
Thanks, Barbara! I hope you get to see it for yourself one day!!
werner rummens 1
This was a tough puzzle, I could find a few but the most nothing at all :)
I liked the pictures.
Dennis Knepper 1
Great photos. These would make a great Windows Theme which is what I will do with them on my PC.
max lyons 1
What airport image is the second from the top from??
SamArnold 1
It's in French Polynesia (Tahiti) in the Pacific.
Lynn Armbruster 1
Raivavae Airport
sparkie624 1
very nice images, enjoyed.
arlys 1
Absolutely fantastic.!
Mohamad Ariffin 1
Awesome images; thanks for sharing!
Wilbur Myers 1
Great airport geometry.
SamArnold 1
It was fun to quiz myself on these ones, I reckon it disguises some of the obvious landmarks, so I only got 2/3rds correct.
Shame it's just stolen from Google Earth, and not her own photos out the window during an overhead hold, as the title suggests.
Thomas Agrednerp 4
Stolen? Extracted, maybe, but not stolen. One doesn't steal public information.
Lauren ONeill 1
Hi Sam,

I'm working to capture my own shots as well. There are more logistics to it, but stay tuned ;)

Thanks so much!
Walter Jones 0
Nice. Did you do a wingover over each airport to get those shots?

jet4ang 2
Google Maps


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