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City of Dallas gives OK for Virgin America to get two Love Field gates

The city of Dallas today gave its approval for airline Virgin America to get two gates at Dallas Love Field to expand its North Texas operations, putting an end to a months-long debate. “We are very pleased to have the opportunity to bring new competition to Love Field, an important airport for travelers because of its proximity to the city’s central business district,” Virgin America chief executive David Cush said today in a statement. ( Más...

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Jeff Coghill 1
So Love Field is showing some love for a Virgin (America)? Wink, wink. Nudge, nudge.
preacher1 -5
Sad day. DAL was using the gates anyway and was just uprooted by a foreigner with whom we really have no business. I guess they felt they had to do. The other curious thing is why DOJ wouldn't approve DAL. The only dog they should have had in that fight would have been to make sure AA divested those 2 gates. DAL had no pending action.

[This poster has been suspended.]

usad 2
I wonder where we would be if Jim Wright hadn't have made that blasted amendment. After all, DFW survived much better than he thought it would! :)
preacher1 1
As bad as it was, it is probably what forced everybody to DFW, never thinking somebody like SWA would start and thrive there. It just should never has been as long as it was, time wise.
BaronG58 0
Poor Dallas folks will be just fine. We were quite happy with the way things were and a foreign airline coming to town has not caused dancing in the streets.
preacher1 1
Well, UAL has 2 gates. LOL
Bryan Opalka 3
(UAL) 2 gates to a grand total of 1 destination on an ERJ. :)
preacher1 1
Probably IAH at that. LOL. On the serious side, didn't Delta have those 2 American gates leased?
PhotoFinish 1
Continental had 2, and AA had 2. Delta was leasing AA's gates. Now Virgin America has the 2 former AA gates, and United has the 2 Continental gates. Southwest has all the other gates.
PhotoFinish 2
There was a contest to decide who would keep the AA gates (that were being leased to Delta) Delta didn't win, V America did.
preacher1 0
I'm just trying to figure why DOJ got in there on DAL's back, although the may not have and that just may have been part of the excuse to give them to Virgin, but that is what the story said if I read it right.
PhotoFinish 1
They figured that an airline that wasn't Southwest nor one of the 4 majors would likely provide the greatest price competition.

I hope that the compromise restrictions that made it possible to end Wright are updated to allow more service at DAL by more airlines. Ideally the compromise restrictions will be completely eliminated. Just not before SW consolidates a major hub there. Some day, SW will exchange the potential international expansion for other airline being able to add capacity. Everyone will want a piece of downtown DAL action. SW will get international flights out of the deal. Other airlines will get the opportunity to add new service or incease existing capacity at the airport. But first SW will maximize their utilization of their current 16 gates to serve as many post-Wright destinations as they can possibly squeeze into the existing gates.
preacher1 1
With the limited runway length, non stop international, other than possibly Carribean/upper South America, may be limited
PhotoFinish 1
That's roughly the area that AirTran served, and that SW would be able to continue servicing with 737 equipment regardless of the length of the runway.

It would take a monumentally significant decision like choosing to operate a second model (eg. 787) to be able to service a wider international market and for the runway to be an issue.

preacher1 1
You are correct.


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