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Aircraft dismantling market vibrant and growing

The total global market value of the aircraft dismantling services market is set to reach $80 million in 2014. ( Más...

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biz jets 1
Typical press - the photo shown of N16DK after it's Feb 12 2008 over run - was repaired and put back into service (not dismantled), currently flying as N514AJ.

preacher1 1
If you don't know it's coming in, it's a startling sight from the adjacent highway to see a 747 land at lil'ol KSGT, 6 grand of uncontrolled runway at Stuttgart AR, the duck hunting and crop duster capital of the world. Probably not much difference over at Tupelo MS,KTUP, what with all the ANA activity over there this past month or so. At least they have 7 grand and a tower. LOL


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