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Algeria military plane crashes, 'killing 100'

An Algerian military transport plane has crashed in the north-east of the country, killing more than 100 people, Algerian media say. The plane crashed in a mountainous area in Oum al-Bouaghi province, said private TV station Ennahar. ( Más...

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siriusloon 2
BBC is reporting 77 dead and one survivor.
Wolfgang Prigge 1
Some scenes from the crash site (French commentary)
daniel klein 0
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Algerian military plane crash - Lockheed C-130 Hercules 103 confirmed dead

An Algerian military plane believed to be carrying at least 99 members of the military and their families crashed on Tuesday in a remote area of northeastern Algeria, killing everyone on board, according to the Algerian National Radio. It was the first major crash in the country in more than a decade.
Cole Goldberg 1
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Algerian Military C-130 Crash

An Algerian military plane believed to be carrying at least 99 members of the military and their families crashed on Tuesday in a remote area of northeastern Algeria, killing everyone on board, according to the Algerian National Radio.

biz jets 1

Algerian Air Force C-130H 7T-VHM photo


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