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Etihad Airways, Alitalia Close to Investment Deal

Etihad Airways is close to acquiring a major stake in Alitalia, Italy’s flag carrier. The two airlines, which have been in negotiations since last year, announced Sunday that they are in the final phase of due diligence in putting the deal together.... ( Más...

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Hartwig Baier 1
one has to admire the Italians, as the have operated contrary to European Law concerning the financing of the Airlines.
As Swiss and Sabena some of the oldest Airlines in Europe ran afoul of that Law (among bad decision making) went under. Alitalia with its prohibitive cost structure and continuous financial troubled was allowed to survive.
That much for equality under the Law and its off kilter application.
canuck44 2
They are building a fourth Alliance one airline at a time. Jet Blue signed up in the USA as a code share and is expanding to the South, they bought one quarter of Jet Airways for the Indian sub-continent. They have big money in Virgin Australia now a code share to connect with Etihad's long range destinations.

They now only need a little more penetration into China and Japan along with some selected African destinations to have a full service alliance. Look for them pick off a couple of the smaller African Airlines that would be easy to resuscitate and expand like Air Tanzania or Air Uganda. Both are downsized but experienced.

PhotoFinish 2
The Europeans don't want states to incest in their national airlines, but have no reservations in having airlines from cointries outside the EU (which don't have the same hangups about a state strategically supporting a national airline) in making the same investments.

So the Italians are prohibited from investing in Alitalia, but the emirs can invest to their hearts content. /s-font/ Makes sense to me. /end sarcasm/
microwalda 1
Alitalia owners didn't manage their airline properly because they had to file for bankruptcy.
And you disagree with the idea of using money from a third country investor to rescue the airline, you think that Italy goverment should use money from taxpayers to rescue an airline that had been mishandled. Well, if I were an italian citizen I would say: "No with my money".
dsaba67 1
fully agree (as I'm an Italian taxpayer). We already payed lots of money for Alitalia in the last decades and payed also for the big mistakes of our politicians (that did't sell AZ to AirFrance when it was still worthing a bit). I hope that Etihad will represent a new chance for Alitalia (cross finger)
Jerry Steinberg 3
Freudian slip? to incest? One can read a lot from that.
PhotoFinish 1

Couldn't be because the keys are right next to each other. Maybe the keyboard is Freudian afterall. Does that also explain the gender changes in autocorrect?
Jerry Steinberg 1
Lots of things are Freudian. ;)


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