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Premier 390 crashes after takeoff from Fulton County

Premier 390 N50PM crashed after takeoff this evening around 7:00 P.M. time. Two fatalities have been reported. No other updates at this time. The jet was headed to New Orleans from KFTY. ( Más...

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How's this for a scenario. 67 year old married guy wants to give his 23 year old mistress a birthday she won't forget. After smoking weed, doing cocaine, and methylone (a.k.a. "Bathsalts") they go to the airport to take the jet to New Orleans to continue the party. Plane just came out of an inspection, has issues on the taxi out, they troubleshoot for 9 minutes holding short of the runway. Oh, and he is giving her instruction, and while speculated, it hasn't been confirmed she is in the left seat. After singing and mentioning something on the CVR about "getting his d--- sucked in flight", they elect to proceed and takeoff. 24 seconds later they get a rush of hot air similar to what happens when emergency pressurization activates, dumping warm bleed air into the cabin. Instead of doing some simple trouble shooting and making a visual landing in good weather like any sober pilot would do, Peter ends up loosing control and crashing it into a housing area. Last words on the CVR are "I'm sorry". He wasn't heroic by any means. He was sorry. Oh, and please do not compare him to Jack Rousch!
Stephanie Mallen 1
I'm the daughter of the deceased pilot, just doing research looking for answers. To those who think the pilot's license should have been taken away, I would like to say something. Although my dad had made a few mistakes, he was an excellent pilot, with over 40 years of constant flying experience. He didn't fly occasionally, he flew constantly, at least a couple times a week, during his flying career. That's a lot of hours. He also went to flight safety twice a year for as long as I can remember. Of course I am biased in writing this, but clearly something happened that was highly unlikely to not crash from.
Anon Ymous 1
I'm sorry for your loss. I am here looking for answers as well. My best friend was the passenger on this flight. Hopefully we will have answers soon.
PhotoFinish 2
Condolences for your loss. In his last moments, he had the presence if mind to turn sharply and avoid crashing into a home. That is heroic in my book.
Kevin Brown 1
The second victim has been identified as 23 year old Brittany McAuley a former Emory University Student
preacher1 3
This guy was very popular it seems, and also, it seems as if half the country was either at or flying at Fulton County or was there watching when this guy went down. Popular place
BaronG58 1
I agree Preacher1
Jackson Franco -2
Wow, I live in Atlanta and did not even know about this. Too bad one of my fellow Jewish pilots has been killed.
phil gibson 1
Unfortunately.....if you have "plenty" of can "buy" a type rating. He is one that should never been issued a type. And the insurance company should have had a stipulation that required him to have had a "qualified" all times.
phil gibson 2
Who was the pilot?
joel wiley 1
What there was of the flight from flightaware

RIP, condolences to the families
Wade Potter 6
I flew with this guy as a technician once. He also took a Premier that was loaned to him by Raytheon off the end of a runway in Hartford, CT while we were working on his Premier he had before this one. It was rock, paper, scissors to see who had to go on that check flight with him, I lost.
allench1 1
He came into KHXD regularly and had a rep. for using all available runway!
While this pilot clearly had no business flying, rolling to the end of a 4,000' runway is acceptable. Especially in a swept wing jet with no thurust-reversers. Roll to the end, save the brakes.
preacher1 1
I guess your comments are fine but why drag up something a year old.
allench1 1
this pilot would always come in hot I have flown a premier 1A and FYI have over 18,000 hours je also had the girl that was with him in the left seat. read Wade Potter's coment. Also a heavy 1A would need to get on the brakes at KHXD especially when wet.
ruagatr 4
A is when he ran his King Air out of fuel with same tail number...
phil gibson 1
You mean he didn't get a receipt for his fuel purchase or overnight / ramp fee? Was he the one flying the premier? I think it's time to check his training records.....sounds like a Roush thing to me at he took innocent victim with utterly sad and prayer goes out to victim(s)
BaronG58 2
His second incident with loaner Premier should have been the final red flag. Not making lite of this situation but if I were his insurance agent I would have recommended he buy a boat.
Kevin Brown 2
Plane crashes seem to plaque this family. His brother Steve was killed in 1972 in a crash of a plane he was piloting.
Now there's one whose certificate should've been yanked permanently!!!

[This poster has been suspended.]

Apparently he didn't look very close at his fuel bill. A tailwind was about all the push he had.
biz jets 1
A poster on one of the news sites stated the accident site is located at Rutherford Ave NW and Lower Paul Road. Another witness who video taped the crash site prior to fire dept arriving - said it looked like it was coming at her house and turned sharply at the last moment and crashed.

Looking at google earth, aircraft was heading sw towards runway 26, crash site is about 3 miles from airport. Houses are on the west side of Lower Paul, on the east side of the intersection is a electrical sub-station with large electrical towers and powerlines running alongside Lower Paul Road.
Kevin Brown 2
The aircraft was registered to Atlanta based textile manufacturer Mallen Industries.

It is not known at this time who was on board the doomed aircraft.

The owner of Mallen Industries is Peter Mallen. From his Facebook page he is shown standing beside N50PM with his young family (not known if any of those pictured were among the victims)
Kevin Brown 2
Video from the immediate aftermath
Kevin Brown 2
From the audio archive. Begin listening at around the 21 minute mark. The pilot says "we need to come back we have a problem here" Tower ask is he "requires emergency assistance" to which the pilot replies "negative". Audio is not very clear. The last transmission I can make out from the pilot is "sounds good appreciate it"
biz jets 2
Actually he sounded stoic - N50PM departed 26, reporting to tower that he had 'a problem' - tower asked if he wanted the emergency equipment, pilot declined.
Aircraft was turning right on final to runway 26 when it crashed. Looks like about two miles from the airport.,lon=-84.49565124511726,zoom=13,type=Satellite,airport=KFTY
Anthony Rudd 5
I was instructing in the pattern while this was going on. 50PM reported a problem on climb out, but declined emergency. Whatever the issue was, he didn't seem very concerned about it over the radio.
CloudSurfer89 1
He sure didn't. One witness described the plane "coming straight at her house then banking sharply to the right". Did you have eyes on him at all? Perhaps he got too slow and stalled it in the turn.
PhotoFinish 1
If the pilot was able to turn away from a house at the last minute shows:
1) pilot had the presence of mind and selflessness to avoid hitting a home when he was going to crash and/or to avoid crashing into a house and dying in the fireball
2) and if plane had stalled, enough maneuverability had Bren recovered before impact to be able to bank the plane (based on the layperson's description. Could have been a stall into a roll (but the lady'd description made the bank seem to be intentional).
CloudSurfer89 1
Yep, at first I was wondering if the "bank" witnesses described was the stall, but he shouldn't have been that low 2-3 miles from the runway. Also, how witnesses described him coming over the tress and THEN banking hard left (what looked like on purpose) makes me think he had a double engine failure (possible bird strike) and was trying to glide it in. BUT the pilot's stoic emotions, rejection of an emergency from Tower, and no mention of an emergency failure on radios leads me back to thinking your option 2) is the most probable. This reminds me somewhat of the Ft. Lauderdale Lear 35 crash a few weeks back where the pilot reported a problem after takeoff, attempted to turn around, but never made it back.

I believe I was incorrect about the bank, it was to the left.

[This poster has been suspended.]

preacher1 1
Good to see your name appear!
allench1 1
Hey, Preach as you know I flew one. The wing is short and stalls at a very fast speed when in even a 15 degree bank, also it is dependent on its very electrical system which needs constant vigilance and maintenance.His climb out speed appears to be 149 knots cleaned up he would have very limited time to prevent a stall on any power lost I always used 165 Knots.
PhotoFinish 1
A turn at low speed near the airport also seems to be implicated in the recent crash at Nrw Haven.

Preventing and recovering from stalls needs to be better trained. Both airline and general aviation pilots seem to need the lesson.
preacher1 2
Well, as Allen says above, if he had a minor problem and was turning back in, he was slow to commence with. That little booger is kinda hot. It may need a little more training than your average bird as to recovery.
Just ask "one eye" Jack Rousch. Lol
preacher1 1
Wasn't that what crashed over at Augusta last summer?
CloudSurfer89 1
Yep over at Thomson McDuffie KHQU. I did some XC flight to that airport several times when I was training out of KAHN.
allench1 0
yes, the pilot waited too long to abort the landing ( never touched the runway) hit a tower. It is too easy to get behind this airplane for it's intended purpose
Someone must've let him out of the cubicle...

[This poster has been suspended.]

How are you making out? I know it's hard...
Brent Staulcup 1
Wasn't there another Premier departure accident similar to this in the last year or so?
preacher1 1
Something a little personal. Give me 5 minutes and check your messages
Where do you check messages? I don't see it.
preacher1 1
Go to DISCUSSSIONS and then click on the MESSAGE link and go from there

Well I finally read all of your messages, back to 2012, now that I know where they are...
preacher1 2
See how you are. LOL. I done told you all that before. LOL
Yeah, I need to quit this job, it's frying my brain!!!
preacher1 1
LOL, you ain't old enough to quit yet and too old to start over.LOL


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