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Boeing expanding South Carolina footprint

Boeing has released more details of its $1 billion expansion in South Carolina, announcing it has acquired more land and will open a painting facility in the state. The aeronautics company announced Friday that it will begin construction in the second half of 2014 on a 230,000-square-foot building to paint the 787 Dreamliners it builds at its North Charleston assembly plant. ( Más...

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Sooner or later the workers in SC are going to realize they are being paid a lot less, and have a lot less benefits, than their counterparts in Washington and that could just be the undoing of this State's archaic "Right to work" laws.
Brian Bishop 3
Don't hold your breath Wesley. Folks here are smart enough to not bite the hand that feeds 'em. Ever been to SC? Helluva lot cheaper to LIVE here than out there too. So with ALL that extra money they make in Seattle, they aren't living any better.
PhotoFinish 1
They won't mind the job security of having great jobs makin great products that are well paid, that don't go away during the next cyclical downturn in commercial aircraft manufacturing, as more expensive plants in othr parts of the word close and workers have to worry whether they'll have a job at all.

Watching your neighbor work at obscenely high wages as he closes diwn the plant you used to work is no better than having a good paying job with good healthcare and pension benefits (that are largely similar to everyone else with a decent corporate job).

With all the new manufacturers coming on line in the near future with much lower cost products, that downturn is coming sooner than later.

The others will essentially be copies of Boeings to some degree. People are delusional if they think that most airlines around the world will be willing to pay double to own Boeing planes.

In the near term, Boeing must build planes that are more economical to operate to blunt the effect of the much cheaper planes coming to market.

But in the not too distant future, Boeing must get their costs under control or thier fiscal solvency and existence may come in question.

(Note how Air Canada recently ordered 737 max8 and max9, but left the max7 out of the order. The smaller size need can be filled with a future order of the new Canadian plane, that is being sold at great discount to the 737. It's only a matter of time, before they have multiple sizes to compete against the full range of 737 variants.

Once they have their first successful narrowbody selling well, why wouldn't they get into the widebody market, with similar cost advantages.

Eventually the Japanese and Chinese will also get into the jet making business. The Brasilans may also decide to build bigger jets, as the Canadians are doing.)

This is the time to rebalance costs. There is lots of revenue currently flowing to Boeing and Airbus. Eventually the capital flows will change. The only question is who will be ready and who will be caught by surprise.
Brian Bishop 1
And it's not just Boeing / Charleston. There's Airbus / Mobile too.
preacher1 2
Yep. I always said if you just used I40 and the states it touched or ran through as a dividing line, it's like a whole 'nuther world, and they ain't all right to work states, just a lot more hospitable workforce. LOL
Maybe just a wee bit north of 40. Lol
Brian Bishop 1
Works for me!
Paul Reece 6
Na we just like getting paid. besides we don't have to pay for $15. an hr. hamburger when we go out. We are not an extension of Cal.
preacher1 9
Don't think so. They may see that but in this case they will be getting paid more money than they have ever made in their lives. Seems like it's just that way when you can live down South and make good money too. Don't know of anybody that retired down here and moved up North?
Gary Bennett 1
Haven't been down South for all that long, but sure have watched many people in Southwest Florida move back up North when they get fed up with all the weird crap that goes on down here...
Brian Bishop 1
Anything south of Jacksonville is a different story.
preacher1 1
Whole 'nuther world. LOL
preacher1 3
Other than John and Allen, most everybody in Florida are just yankees that bypassed the rest of the South and have no idea what lies in between. LOL
Gary Bennett 1
I thought you lived in Texas.
preacher1 1
Arkansas, West side
Gary Bennett 1
Great place to live.
canuck44 2
LOL...came down here to SW Florida as a refugee from the Canadian healthcare system...thought I was a missionary to teach English. Found a lot of genuine folks here that appreciated my skills and has been diluted by the influx of Yankees. The ones that return are usually those that do not appreciate our way of life or left because their jobs went the same way as ObamaCare. Basically after 23 years I have become a Florida Cracker...which is not a racist or demeaning term. Like the rest, I love summer when the population thins.
Brian Bishop 1
We get tons of "half-backs" around these parts Wayne.
preacher1 2
LOL, that bunch just kinda bypasses everybody when they come down and like I said, have no idea what lies in between. They never lose that Northern culture.
Brian Bishop 1
Yuuup. We gotta educate em, don't we?
Hey, Merry Christmas to ya ol buddy.
preacher1 1
Ya'll do the same. Maybe Boeing will announce something before Christmas and give SOMEBODY a Christmas present. LOL
preacher1 2
Do You See What I See? Do You Hear What I Hear? It's more than old St. Nick. LOL
Torsten Hoff 1
Somebody is getting a big lump of coal...
preacher1 2
As I said, Merry Christmas. At some point and time, whether SC or elsewhere, I am thinking that Boeing is going to use one of Jon's phrase, AMF YOYO. Most will recognize the first. The latter is You're on you own.
canuck44 5
470 acres should be enough for a 777X plant and a new wing plant for both 787 and 777. Should be some unhappy union folks in WA.

Brian Bishop 2
And some very happy aerospace workers, engineers, and manufacturers in my neck of the woods! (yours truly included)
preacher1 2
ya thank. LOL
preacher1 1
That's what I figger. About all you can do there is say Merry Christmas.
preacher1 5
Whether it is SC or someplace else, birds don't crap in their nest but I really think that the Union did this time. Somebody missed a big reality check.
PhotoFinish 1
This is just a painting facility. But as you joyfully point out, it could foreshadow a much bigger announcement.
preacher1 5
Well, they did say the leased that extra land with an option to purchase. LOL


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