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FCC: No technical reason to ban calls on planes

Federal Communications Commission Chairman Thomas Wheeler told members of Congress there is no longer a technical reason for the FCC to ban calls on planes, but the Department of Transportation will be moving forward with its own restrictions. ( Más...

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preacher1 1
This is gonna be a real fustercluck before it is over with. LOL

chalet 1
I am asking my arms maker to design snd test ASAP a 10,000 volt, 1000 ohms taser all plastic small enough to fit in my mini pocket capable to discharge 10 times without recharging (LIMAO).
preacher1 0
your mean. LOL. If he makes a good prototype he can probably market it to the Airlines or frequent flyers. Be sure and hit him up for royalties. LOL
chalet 0
Thanks for the advise but I am the venture capitalist and if my cristal ball is working well, I should make a killing (no pun intended). More LOL
preacher1 3
Just let me see if I got all this straight:
A majority of the flying public does not want the calls allowed.
One government agency(FCC) says there is no technical reason to ban them.
One government agency(DOT) came out yesterday and said they were thinking about banning them,
and a member of Congress has introduced a bill to ban them.
Does that about sum it up? Our government windmilling and kneejerking to the clamor.

[This poster has been suspended.]

chalet -1
cut this crap and go away
preacher1 0
Downvote it if you haven't already
PhotoFinish 0
Actually it's better to hit the 'Report' button.
PhotoFinish 0
Actually it's better to hit the 'Re
About 10% of pax are mannerless, selfie, babbling, idiots. Cellphones won't change the ratio.
jwmson 3
Tell the high and mighty Chairman Thomas Wheeler that when his term is done he can sit next to the village idiot that wants to yell his busness transactions from IAD to LAX. This guy is so out of touch with the real world!
Danish Nelson 4
I still think it should be banned for several reasons.
One, why do you need your phone for the 2 - 4 hours you are flying. I mean, I know that emergencies happen, but these things can be taken care of once you reach the ground. Besides, most planes offer wi-fi nowadays so using iMessage or other forms of messaging apps using wifi would be compatible within the aircraft.
Two, I wouldn't want the person next me me talking for the entire time I am flying. I wouldn't want to hear everything that they have to say, with their conversations, and some people are loud talkers, so if I chose to sleep, then I wouldn't be able to!
Three, you can't use most phone over International waters because you don't have access to phone towers - most phones can't even operate above 10,000 feet!

Can anyone tell me other wise that these statements are wrong?!?!
btweston -2
1) Well, we don't need most of the things we have. Doesn't mean we shouldn't be allowed to have them.

2) Okay, let's also outlaw cell phones in every other public place because you don't like hearing people talk on them.

3) So if the phones don't work... What's the problem again?
Danish Nelson 2
I'm just claiming I wouldn't want to be in such a small space with 20 people around me talking. In the open space is public, it's fine, I never said anything wrong about that.

Just keeping in mind that that you might be able to Isis the first place - I agree with that.
Mike OConnor 8
There may not be any technical reason to ban calls on planes. But there are certainly many, many more other reasons to ban calls on planes.
PhotoFinish 2
There is no technical reason for either FCC (cell tower interference) nor FAA (airplane interference) to van cell phone cals.

The only reasons to not have cell phone calls in planes are analogous to the reasons we don't want cell phone calls in restaurants. We don't ban phone calls in restaurants. We shouldn't ban phone calls in planes, similarly to restaurants.

Cell phone usage policy should be determined by each airline and each restaurant. If it's anywhere as horrible as some insist, then those airlines that provide an oasis without cellular intrusion will have a preferred product and the market will dictate the restrictions on cell phone usage.

If however the predictions of catastrophy are overblown (cell usage is allowed in other parts of world without issue) then liberty will not be unnecessarily restricted.
preacher1 0
As with the South Korean and Oriental culture discussions that we have had on other posts, I have to say that unless having lived there, one cannot fathom the manners and courtesy that foreign folks seem to have for each other. I think it is called respect. While most here are well mannered and having those qualities, it seems that some in public will just go tromping on other people to show that they can and there are some doozies in the traveling world, not giving a tinker's damn about anyone but themselves, and they are the same in any public place. It totally pisses me off to walk into a place to buy something and the clerk on a cell phone. I know that street goes both ways as people attempt to serve someone who will not get off of a phone; they will be the first to bitch that their order is wrong.
BC Hadley 1
How sad that basic manners need to be legislated. Government shouldn't be involved. Let the airlines set their own policy.
PaulN2719 6
Someone has commented that they couldn't hire enough air marshals to handle all the air rage this would cause. I completely agree! Remember a few years ago there was a woman on Amtrak who talked on her phone for something like 16 hours, despite being asked numerous times to shut up? (Ultimately she was kicked off the train and couldn't understand why). How about a whole plane full of people blathering on endlessly about absolutely nothing! It would be enough to make me experience air rage for sure! And not just among passengers, but also possibly crew members. I've had plenty of experience of trying to wait on people who would rather be on their phone than paying attention to the person waiting on them and believe me it's frustrating to say the least!
CloudSurfer89 0
Sales of noise cancelling headphones would sky rocket.
chalet 0
Anything available for the mouth too (LOL)
A quick backhand.
chalet 0
Followed by tightly applied duct tape, right?
preacher1 1
PhotoFinish 0
The airlines will gladly sell some passengers cell phone minutes, and others noise canceling headphones.

Though those are better at reducing constant noise like the hum from the engines than the staccato of cell phone chatter.

The expense will provide more relief than anything external.
CloudSurfer89 0
I enjoyed using my Bose QC-15s on a flight earlier this year. The vestigial noise of the engines drowned out almost all the remaining chatter compared to if I were using them in a quiet room with people talking. I can see them being effective to block conversation from a few rows away but maybe not right next to you.


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