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Disruptions: How the F.A.A., Finally, Caught Up to an Always-On Society

“Fliers Must Turn Off Devices, but It’s Not Clear Why.” Within minutes, the e-mails questioning the ban on electronics during takeoffs and landings started pouring into my in-box. The column received 257 comments and was shared thousands of times on social media. ( Más...

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MultiComm 2
Come'on people...the rule is only for when the aircraft is below 10,000 feet (except actual cell phone calls) ... it is not that bad. Your talking about maybe 1/4 of the flight unless you routinely fly short hops that are under an hour.

Unless you have some fancy satellite phone, you will not receive signal on the flight anyway so just pull up your laptop and work offline.

The only remaining argument would be the ability to use the phone while taxing which would be convenient but again for the purpose of the multitude of ADD flies out there that would be reading instead of paying attention to what is going on around is for safety more than interference.

If you can't pause for a brief amount of time (~30-45 minutes) during your flight then bone up and start paying for a private charter where the PIC or certificate holder can authorize such use.
I've heard -and it sounds quite logic- that it's not the avionics being jammed by RF from a mobile device. The real issue is that cell phone towers have problems when a plane with +200 devices is flying over them at 200 knots. That causes the network to switch ('handover') the terminals from one tower to another in a short time, causing serious trouble to the operators. However, as this explanation would not be convincing enough to the public, they have to lie a little...

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Daniel Sutton 1
I believe they were saying that for pilots of "Smaller Craft" it is acceptable for the pilot to use Ipads and such for their cahrts, approach plates, weather, etc... I'd fully read what is writen before snapping back at others!
Ric Wernicke 3
Your experiments notwithstanding, there are other paths to the communications systems other than the antennas. The rules requiring electronic devices to be turned off are a bit over broad at first glance, but the real danger comes from any device with a local oscillator. Every microprocessor has an oscillator. This is the reason for the turning off devices.

RF radiation is of course a physical science, but there is a lot of art to the practice of designing circuits to exploit the phenomena.

Heterodyning is not straight restaurant in West Hollywood, but a physical process of two frequencies that combine in the air to form a third frequency. You have all experienced this when you hear a voice on your COMM that is clearly not on the channel you are monitoring. This is what could cause interference with systems on the aircraft. At altitude it is not a serious problem. Take off and landing it is a problem. The number of local oscillators is also a problem. More radiation is more likely to heterodyne than less. An A380 full of yack slabs (cell phones) is a greater danger because of this effect than you up in a Piper Cub with an iPhone in your pocket.

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Roland Dent 0
Paul Glick 0
A simple question, why can airlines sell us Internet access yet we are not allowed to use our own Internet devices on the airplane. There must be an easy answer that I have not heard.
Daniel Sutton 1
You can use WIFI enabled devices above 10,000 feet... Hence how they can sell you Internet Access via WIFI above 10,000 feet when your 3/4G enabled device won't pick up an internet signal from the ground anyway...
You're not supposed to ask questions like that. Next you'll be asking why the pilots can use an iPad.
joel wiley 7
IMO, the problem is not with the device, it is the liveware holder with the IQ and attention span of a boiled carrot.
preacher1 5
Well, the interference side of it be danged. Takeoff and landing are the most dangerous part of flight and people need to listen to the safety briefing whether you have never heard it or have heard it 1000 times. Were it not so, then why are the FA's buckled in. They certainly don't spiel all that info to hear their head rattle. Past that, read and compute to your heart's content. My rant for today.
Having to constantly have your head in your electronic gadget is the equivalent of having your head up yor ass.
Roland Dent 1
jacksie Wallace ..jacksie....keeps the prudes happy
Matt Hurst 2
LMAO! Sadly it is "True" and what a sad state it is.

Matt Hurst 2
Whether a device is in “airplane mode” at any altitude is irrelevant to sociopathic behavior, as exhibited by the doofus who sat in the middle seat of a row of three of us and played a shoot-em-up game on his phone using the phone speaker. After a blessedly brief time, the flight attendant told him to either mute the phone or use earphones, which he apparently did not have. Otherwise the several of us within earshot might have endangered the flight by pushing him out the cabin door at 10,000 feet.

* For smaller crafts: Electronics such as ipads and such for foreflight and so forth should only be used by the pilots.


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