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Jet named for trailblazing black pilot at Continental

It took Marlon Green more than six years to battle Continental Airlines to become the first black hired as a pilot fora U.S. passenger airline. And it took Continental nearly 50 years to publicly acknowledge Green's contribution to its success. On Tuesday, that delayed expression of gratitude came in a Houston hangar during a ceremony to introduce Continental's newest Boeing 737 — emblazoned with Green's name. ( Más...

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cbw 0
Good Article...Good Find
Very cool. Nice read.
olsende 0
Not to detract from Mr. Green’s accomplishments, but New York Airways employed the first African American as an airline pilot. Perry H. Young made his historic first flight on February 5, 1957. Young had previously made history as the first African American flight instructor for the United States Army Air Corps. So, Mr. Green was the first African American pilot employed by a MAJOR U.S. Airline. Hats off to both men.

cztq2j 0
Well done Continental. It would be a priveledge to be a passenger aboard the Capt. Green on a future flight. Godspeed.
Daniel Coty 0
Well done Continental, for recognizing that the color of a person's skin has nothing to do with their ability. May the "Marlon Green" serve as an example of how far we have come, and have yet to go. I wish there was a little history card on board aircraft; I've seen planes with names before, but don't always understand the reference. This should not be lost to the general public.
Aaron Myatt 0
Bravo Continental! It's TWENTY TEN. . . wondering,if or when the first African American FEMALE will Capt her flight!


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