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Controversial pilot David Riggs dies in a crash plane in China

David Riggs, the pilot whose flying privileges were revoked by the FAA died in China while practicing for an air show ( Más...

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Ronald Roberts 2
My Riggs book, Hollywood Grifter" by Ronald Roberts is out. I met Riggs when he was a 15 year old high school student of my late wife's. He was my business partner till I discovered what a scoundrel he was and gave him the boot. Riggs had a 1028 page case record from his 4.3 Million dollar Kansas City bank fraud case which was sealed by the court. I filed a motion in Federal Court in 2007 and got it opened. I was utterly amazing. My book traces Riggs first crime to his last and his available as a download at The Kindle Store and as a paperback at
Bret Sutton 1
He did have a colorful past, but was still someone's son, brother and uncle
bentwing60 1
"Witnesses said Riggs was practicing a stunt in the rain that required him to gently touch the wheels on the water to produce a skiing effect. Apparently, the landing gear or another part of the plane caught the water". Not much surprise here. The man lived on the edge. Of the law, of safety, of sanity. Does kinda sound like V for vendetta from the author of the posts.
Esteban Marin 1
Ditto on that, I wonder what started that animosity.

At the end of the day, as you said, David Riggs is facing is no longer alive and it makes no sense to keep ranting about him

preacher1 3
I don't disagree that he finally got his due. I just felt that the blogs were written from a personal and malicious slant, and a callous one at that. It seem that some of those went way back into last year and further. Don't get me wrong, it was a good and interesting post. I just think that the author had an axe to grind from way back. Mr. Riggs is now dead and cannot be bothered with this stuff anymore, but he has succeeded in keeping a burden/grudge on the author, who is still living. Have a good weekend; Wayne
Esteban Marin 1
I agree about the way of how the site pictures him, howeve, the FAA sanctions and the other evidences do show some concerning aspects of David Riggs character and behavior
preacher1 1
I did not know David Riggs personally, nor do I know the author of these blogs and articles, BUT, every article in here sounds as if it has been written from the standpoint of a personal vendetta. Surely to God there was SOMETHING half way nice that could have been said, or in the absence of that, maybe just a reporting of the facts and drop it. I would think that if he had that checkered of a past, that the maligning him after he has passed serves no purpose whatsoever, except to possibly soothe the ego of a continual naysayer. "Vengeance is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord". Sometimes all the stress and heartache that we put ourselves through down here doesn't pay off as we still carry the burden after the guy is gone.


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