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France: Continental employees on trial for manslaughter in Concorde crash

Nearly a decade after an Air France Concorde crashed from a known design flaw, the French are beginning the manslaughter trial of two Continental Airlines employees in Houston, claiming they are responsible for the involuntary manslaughter of 113 people. ( Más...

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dbaker 0
Here is a [ link to the Wikipedia article on the Air France crash] on July 25, 2000.
LunchboxLarry 0
I think this is nuts! I think it should be the Airport authorities fault for not catching the FOD that was on the runway in the beginning anyway.
Chip Hermes 0
It is outrageous. It sounds like third world vigilante justice. Reminds me of the Aeroperú crash in the late 1990s when they blamed & charged a guy who washes planes for causing the whole thing (he did leave tape over a pitot-static port) rather than investigating the companies involved, the lack of pre-flight, and the systemic failures that allowed that to happen.

Vincent Birkett 0
Typical...........what about the pilots and their contribution to the accident? Oh, I'm sorry they had no hand in the accident. This is beginning to look like one I recall from the 1970's out there in the Canary Islands!


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