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Lion Air 737 Overruns Runway, Strikes Cow

According to @IndoFlyer and other Indonesian news sources, a Lion Air flight overran a runway on landing at Jalaluddin Airport (GTO/WAMG) in Gorontalo City, Gorontalo, Indonesia. The 737-800 (registered PK-LKH) was operating as Flight 892 from Jakarta Airport (CGK/WIII) with a stopover in Makassar. Reports indicate that the aircraft struck several cows at some point during the landing sequence, but it is currently unknown if that contributed to the cause of the overrun. A crash photo indicates… ( Más...

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PhotoFinish 1
PhotoFinish 1
The plane apparently hit 1 of 3 cows risking around on the runway. It seems the airport needs better perimeter fencing.
josh homer 1
Good thing it wasn't in India! Pilot would be facing manslaughter charges!
Er.A.K. Mittal 1
My o my !
Yet another runway falling short of expectations of the pilots!
ron971 1
Bird-strikes aren't unheard of...but cow-strikes?! EGAD!
joel wiley 1
CASH: Cow Aground Strike Hazard.
bentwing60 1
Possible new NTSB accident term, or maybe CFIC, Controlled Flight Into Cow. Just shoot me!
The cow should Mooooooooooove.
preacher1 1
You need to go ahead toward that sailboat after that.LOL
bentwing60 1
Nice lawnmower & kin. Can't leave till the airline says so.
joel wiley 2
Murphy is definitely not taking the summer off!
bentwing60 6
Hey, did somebody swipe the ends of all the runways all of a sudden. Might be some of those Chicago mayors who have decided that airplanes don't really need some place to land!
Kenneth Schmidt 1
Just one mayor in particular, Daley Jr. Traded Learjet noise for music (unknown modern type) noise. One is gone in a minute, the other lasts for hours. Nice trade off? eh? topic.
preacher1 2
I expect that if they hit one on the runway, that could contribute to the overrun.LOL
bentwing60 1
You get the prize on this one. Seems the cow and friends were on the runway and maybe the fencing might be in need of some repair. And not because an airplane went through it.
bentwing60 5
Holy cow, I may be mistaken about the geographic locale, but isn't the bovine divine over there. Never occurred to me that they might have right of way on an international airport. And we thought hitting a deer was hazardous. LOL
Ben Lillie 1
I don't think it is in Indonesia. It's mainly Muslim. You'd find it more in India or Nepal.
Er.A.K. Mittal 1
What do you know of India? Try to know your own country and its own social ills and evils.
Let me know your society and country and I will list out the ills and perils that plague your system.
Stop being racist.
Think global, not local.
Ben Lillie 1
India's predominant religion is Hinduism. The cow is consider holy in that religion. That's all I was saying. bentwing60 was thinking the cow was holy in Indonesia. It is not. Indonesia is predominantly Muslim. Cows aren't holy in Islam. Now do you understand?
bentwing60 1
Actually bentwing 60 was as usual, being sarcastic and interjecting a tad of humor into a forum that is more and more inhabited by individuals with light sabers and 45's instead of intellect, dialogue, and diplomacy. Not aiming this at Er.A.K or you Ben. Just Sayin, If you missed the "holy cow" and the "divine bovine" you might be wrapped a little tight. And Er.A.K., been on this sight almost since it's inception, haven't witnessed a race card played yet, so don't use it in reverse. If you find us offensive, as opposed to a credit to those who participate, this may not be your long term forum.

Ben Lillie 1
Oh, I get it now. That's actually pretty funny. Maybe I am wrapped a little too tight. Oh well.
Ben Lillie 1
I have nothing against Indians. I think they are very intelligent and friendly people. I haven't met a single one who isn't exceptionally polite.
preacher1 1
He says that's where he's from and he's not polite all the time.
Er.A.K. Mittal 1
Yes I am not polite because I know what bias and prejudice mean. My fight is against that.
On a portal like this, as a faceless and nameless person it is all very easy to condemn a full society for the fault of a few.
Act and behave like intelligent person and I will bow down.
More over, I dare ask you and many others with similar attitude to say all this in the open, with a face and name. And see the result. Innumerable law suits of slander and defamation, criminal and civil, costing millions of dollars !
I am on this portal to get wise information related to aviation not racist garbage.
I am learning about aviation norms and laws, thanX to some wise people.
And not for the kind of **** that is noticeable here.
I wonder if there is a way to bring such comments to the notice of mangers of this portal so that they may do some cleansing !
My conduct is like 'third law of motion'. If not equal, but definitely opposite reaction !
Ben Lillie 1
As I said, I'm not being racist, and I have nothing against Indians. Or you for that matter. I see why you wouldn't be polite considering the fact that you thought I was badmouthing your country. I wouldn't be very nice either if somebody was prejudiced against me (or at least appeared that way).
PhotoFinish 1
One can control one's own actions, but not the actions of others. It is foolish to use others' behavior as a defense for our actions. Even worse, would be to let our character and decency depend upon the action of others.

A jok comes to mind.
The donkey says, "Until all racism is stomped out, I will be an ass."
His friend the horse replies, "You, sir, will be an ass for eternity."
Ben Lillie 1
I guess he'll be the first lol.


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