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One killed, one injured in Lumberton skydiving accident

LUMBERTON, MS (WDAM) - One skydiver is killed and another is seriously injured as a result of an apparent equipment malfunction during a jump at the Lumberton Municipal Airport. Officials say at least 5 skydivers jumped from a plane at approximately 11:30 a.m on Saturday, but two of them jumped in a tandem. The two skydivers who jumped together suffered the equipment failure. ( Más...

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Josh Preston 1
As a skydiver, I know there are many backup systems in place (Automatic Activation Device for example) that can and do save lives. That said, mistakes happen and to the best of my knowledge this could have been cause by a reserve malfunction.
On some tandem systems a reserve static line (RSL) is in place so that when the instructor cuts away the main, the reserve is automatically deployed. Best guess is that when the reserve was deployed, the canopy started a spin and was unrecoverable.
Jim (the instructor) was a very safety conscious instructor and pilot. He will be missed.

[This poster has been suspended.]

joel wiley 1
Are you referring to tandem jumping, or skydiving in general?
Paul Smith 4
He always has ignorant comments for flightaware....
preacher1 7
May I ask how you arrive at this conclusion? This article does not say one thing that would compare them to cyclist without helmets. I personally, could never see the sense in jumping out of a perfectly good airplane and soiled my britches every time I made a mandatory in the service, hence never jumped for the thrill. BUT, there are a lot that do and that enjoy it. That said, safety is generally paramount with these groups. As with car, plane, train, or whatever, Mr. Murphy will mess up your playhouse every now and then.
Josh Preston 1
There is no such thing as a perfectly good airplane ;)

preacher1 1
Shall we say one that is flying and has a high probability of making a decent landing.
joel wiley 1
Sure there is. It's the one on the drawing boards 8-)
Yeah, I don't understand your ridiculous comment either Phil. We're talking double equipment failure here.
I think Phil might be referring to 1 chute and 1 reserve for the two of them...
Jumping with no chute and getting one from a buddy on the way down is more like riding cycle with no helmet. Lol
As a (sometimes) jump pilot, this news always saddens me. :(


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