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Gear fails to lock

Gear fails to lock down, A&P takes to truck and pulls it into place. Way to go Rusty. ( Más...

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sparkie624 1
That is crazy... Wish the camera guy had zoomed in and stayed with it better....
bbabis 3
Glad it all worked out. I remember years ago a mechanic doing the same thing to pull a stuck main gear down on a Piper Arrow. My thoughts remain the same as then. Way too many things could have gone wrong putting people in grave danger of injury or death while gear up landings rarely cause injury and can easily be repaired.
mrvair 1
That is what insurance is for.
sparkie624 1
You are right... Insurance for the foolish.... If that trick had not worked, someone would have been paying a lot of insurance money to they guy pulling it down.

sparkie624 1
You are right... Insurance for the foolish.... If that trick had not worked, someone would have been paying a lot of insurance money to they guy pulling it down.
flyingj481 1
Agreed, the risks with pulling that maneuver far out weighed the benefits. Glad everyone walked away from it.


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