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Plane diverted to Glasgow Prestwick Airport after 'problem'

An Egyptair plane from Cairo to New York has landed at Glasgow Prestwick Airport after being diverted. ( Más...

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Torsten Hoff 1
Everybody knows the best way to gain sympathy is to threaten death and destruction. Not.

I hope the Brits jail them and then send them back where they came from.
KingAirB200 0
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Threating Note Found on Egyptair Flight to JFK

Five passengers from an EgyptAir flight diverted to a Scottish airport over an apparent threat to destroy the aircraft are now seeking asylum in Britain, authorities said Sunday.

New York-bound Flight 985 from Cairo was forced to make an emergency landing on Saturday after a threatening note was found in the plane's lavatory.

joel wiley 1
Another report, would have been duplicate...

Does this mean TSA will be confiscating paper, pens, pencils? Pencils can be deadly weapons used correctly.
Clayton Koster 0
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

US-Bound Flight From Egypt Redirected After Bomb Threat

An EgyptAir flight from Cairo to New York was intercepted by British fighters to Glasgow after a passenger found a note reading, "I'll set this plane on fire" in one of the restrooms.


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