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Man arrested after jumping out of moving plane at Pearson

“The flight attendants were yelling, ‘What? what? what?’ and the woman saying ‘The door’s open, the door’s open’.” ( Más...

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blueashflyer 2
the general public should not be quoted in stories. "Thank Goodness it didn't happen in flight."

The emergency over-wing exit CANNOT be opened in flight - air pressure holds it in place. You would have to be The Hulk in order to open it in flight.
JetMech24 1
There might be more examples, but you are incorrect. The 737NG's do not lock in place with air pressure, they open out, a mechanical lock engages when the aircraft is in air mode.
ric lang 1
Time to thin the herd!

Michael Fuquay 1
Anyone know of a flight number, plane?
Beeskip 2
It seems post 911 with long security lines, crowded aiports and planes, air traveles seemed to be a bit on the edge and impatient these days.
"minutes of frenzied activity," doesn't take much to excite people. When will people ever realize calm is the way to go...


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