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Visualized: Boeing supersonic airliner concept soars in a wind tunnel, quietly

No, you're not looking at an early preview of Star Wars Episode VII -- it just might represent the future of air transport, though. Boeing has spent years developing a truly quiet supersonic airliner concept, the Icon II, and what you see is an aerodynamics test of a mockup in a vaguely Death Star-like wind tunnel at NASA's Glenn Research Center. ( Más...

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Baz Pr 4
They seem to be catching up with the designs of Sir Barnes Wallis who had already been ready to test his designs decades ago. London-Sydney non-stop at Mach 4 at 100,000 feet - no problem! A man years ahead of his time but sadly underused by the British Government.

I remember an interview with him shown on the TV after his death where he described Concorde (as far as I can recall) as slow, inefficient, noisy, uneconomical, etc.

josh homer 1
I've personally never heard of Wallis. This was an interesting read. Thanks for the knowledge!
btweston 1
I also build model airplanes. Well, I used to. When I was younger. Had to fight the press off with a stick, I tell ya.
Baz Pr 1
Maybe, but did you design an airship which was airworthy; the bouncing bomb; the Wellington bomber which could get aircrew home with chunks knocked out of it; the whole principle of geodetics which revolutionised aircraft design?

Try not to be too dismissive - have a squint at this website instead, or spend a little time researching the achievements of a genius:
Michael Fuquay 1
Sorry Boeing, but the almighty dollar will always reign when it comes to supersonic aircraft. Tried it before, and couldn't make it. Airlines are barely staying afloat with what they have now. Stop the research now before you waste anymore money.


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