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Cops: Fake pilot arrested on US Airways flight after struggling with jump seat

A man caught impersonating a pilot was arrested after he boarded a plane scheduled to fly from Philadelphia International Airport to West Palm Beach, Fla, authorities said. Philippe Jernnard, 61, of France, boarded the U.S. Airways flight Wednesday night, according to the FBI. ( Más...

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Geert Burgstra 1
As you can see,at every gate rest a closed eye!
sparkie624 1
Hope he enjoys his stay in PHL... Sounds like he may be there for quite sometime to come...
travis fisher 1
Can This REALLY Happen. Wow! Cant operate a jump seat? Probrably cant fly a plane! DUH
Mark Daugard 1
We're was
Kat Bais 1
TSA was back a the security check points busy frisking old women & kids!
Screening people
preacher1 1
He was legal. He was ticketed pax and had been thru scurity.
James Carlin 2
If he "hates Americans" he is going to REALLY hate prison!
jack salvatore 2
Here's the thing re: FedExCargo Pilot. Every one of these cases is subject to the "let's make an example of this guy" rule. The last thing that the TSA and the industry wants is for someone, anyone, to think they can mess with the security system and get away easy. So I would have to first see exactly what the US Attorney charges him with, check the statutes for the maximum sentences and then I would expect the US Attorney is going to push for sentencing at the max. No plea bargain. We goin' to trial. So, this way, maybe they don't get the max. sentence (assuming they get a conviction). The guy may not have any priors, for example. But by proceeding in this way, they've sent the message: "Don't even THINK about messing with things in this area or we will make you life a living hell". Frankly, I hope that is exactly how they do proceed. This is one of those "zero-tolerance" areas.
preacher1 1
Well said!!
FedExCargoPilot 1
Besides the fake ID, he didn't really do anything serious. Will be interesting how long the sentence is, I'm guessing 2 years.
jack salvatore 3
I've re-read the story and it is more troubling than I at first appreciated. First, he was evidently a "revenue" passenger, i.e., he had purchased a ticket. So he goes up to the ticket counter at the gate and he asks if there is space in first-class. Did he ask this as a coach revenue passenger willing to buy an "upgrade"? Or as a pilot from another airline company looking for a "freebie"? Gate agents are saints. They deal with all sorts of nasty, rude people. The gate agent tells him there's no room, he makes his rude comment and walks away. They deal with this kind of crap hundreds of times a day. I don't think this gate agent thought about it once she or he told the guy there were no seats in first class.
Now we scroll to the guy entering the plane from the jetway. There are two flight attendants who "greet" the boarding passengers. It's always chaotic, people blocking the aisle, putting things in the overhead bins, the "A" (first-class) flight attendant trying to serve a pre-pushback drink and of course there's pressure to get the flight off on time. At this point, the pilots are in the cockpit conducting pre-flight procedures. The door is open. It is not the least bit uncommon for them to have another pilot "jump seating" up there. So in the hubub, evidently this guy takes a left turn and walks directly into the cockpit with his little fake i.d. F. A's don't notice. Pilots probably just give a quick glance, say hi, a little casual banter, but they're essentially busy trying to get the flight going. Gate agent, bless her heart, comes down to take care of those final details and notices Mr. I Hate Americans sitting in the flight deck jump seat and basically jumps him. He then has the nerve to argue and that's what gets his stupid-ass arrested.
Ok, so we ask ourselves, is this a "no harm, no foul" situation? Well, maybe not. Sure, this guy has already been screened by TSA and therefore we assume he has no weapons, bombs, etc. However, think for a moment: how difficult would it be to create havoc if you've insinuated yourself into the cockpit under false pretenses? Suppose he jumps up from his seat at "v-1", just as the plane is about to take off, or something like that? Point is, you don't need a bomb or gun to make a disaster if you're in the flight deck and you have ill-intentions. So I would guess US Airways is going to have to institute some new procedures wherein the flight deck door is closed and locked-down BEFORE any passengers board, and perhaps one of the f.a.'s standing guard at the door, as they do when the pilots use the lavatory in-flight. Frankly, this could have been alot worse and that gate agent deserves a medal.
preacher1 2
There is another post, I think off of CNN, over on "NEW SQUAWKS". It has just a tad more detail than this one, written from the perspctive of how he did it.
Kat Bais 3
Jack S - As a former F/A, I believe you have described the incident accurately. I don't believe this guy had a jumpseat pass at all. The fact that he DID NOT have one & his rude comment to the gate agent earlier are what got him caught. The agent was aware that there was not a jump seat rider listed on the flight. Seeing him sitting there when the final paperwork was brought down to release the flight got his/her attention & he/she remembered the encounter at the podium.
Peter Steitz 2
Exactly, Kat. What I want to know is what was the flight deck doing? How did they let him even try the jump seat without paperwork and ID?
Kat Bais 1
In my experience (keep in mind I have been gone a few years) the Gate Agents would sometimes allow a jumpseat rider down the loading bridge while regular passenger boarding was taking place if the pilot jumpseater showed up during that process. Or, sometimes, a jumpseat rider showed up from the ramp area (after leaving Ops) via the Jetway stairs. The Gate Agents would have the paperwork & verify count before closing the a/c door. It was not unusual for a pilot jumpseat rider to be in the cockpit before paperwork arrived via the Gate agent prior to closing the door.
Toby Sharp 1
He didn't know how to pull the jump seat out and that's when the crew knew he was a fake....or else you'd know how to pull a jump seat out and sit down and shut up.
preacher1 1
Probably not just U S Air; all will probably see something before it's over with. Wouldn't take much changing other than cockpit access procedure
jack salvatore 1
Yup. The other airlines would be foolish not to learn from this experience.
Pileits 1
Pretty funny actually. Shows how no matter how hard we might try to keep things secure there's always one way or another around all of this silly stuff.
preacher1 1
Sad part is on this, apparently there is no blame on TSA or gate agent; for whatever reason it all belongs to the Like I said below, if he hadn't had trouble with the jump seat, we'd have probably had a nice flight to FL.
Peter Steitz 1
The Captain owns the jumpseat. Most Captains will ask for the jumpseat pass and all the ID's--license, company etc. If there were empty seats in back, that's where I put them. Five empty seats = five jump seats. They were in the cockpit only if we were full. This guy simply got on with a ticket and decided he wanted to sit up front with the "big boys". He should not even have gotten to the point of using the jumpseat until after all the ID's were checked.
mark wenkman 0
System fractured !!!!! Slam dunk style
Mike Atkins 0
I don't have any more information to add, but I assume it's safe to say that ALCOHOL WAS INVOLVED. Or was it just wine sickness ie missing that fine French wine?
jack salvatore 1
Everyone is making a big deal about this. It sounds like he passed through security with a regular ticket. Ok, so now he boards the plane. As you are boarding, the flight deck door is open. There is a lav right there. It is easy to stick your head in there and even say a few words to the pilots. So this guy impersonated a pilot and the pilots sniffed it out and they arrested him. No security breach, no delay of flight, no safety issue presented. Just a goof-ball who got exposed. End of story, if there even is a story
Kat Bais 1
The security breach comes with the impersonating of a crew member. The TSA is not going to be alerted by anyone in a uniform passing through security with a ticket for a flight (Boarding Pass). Not every person in an airline uniform is flying for free. The fault does not lie with any one particular group (TSA,Pilots,Agents,F/A's) The point is, our security system is far from fool proof & if this guy can do this, what can the "REAL" bad guys do?????
william koehler 0
Why is everybody so upset Tsa is securing and watching our flights. What could go wrong. As to the question why did not the pilots know , the cat system must have been on Stan by. Or the automated or not a pilot was off.
Our company's getting rid of the FO's and upgrading the airplanes notapilots too...
Howard Moll 2
According to the story he had a ticket to board the aircraft and just assumed the privilege to sit up front, and did so. Presumably because that was the only "empty seat in First Class". What is alarming is that he gained access to the cockpit, after having passed the on-board crew greeting the pax. They were the ones who could have stopped him from getting inside it. Quelle arrogance.
Ben Deneweth -1
It really depends what happened - he could have been boarded as a regular interline standby passenger, then decided to try to sit down in the cockpit - in which case nothing went wrong, they successfully stopped him from sitting in the cockpit and removed him from the aircraft. If he used someone else's CASS # or was somehow given the jumpseat without CASS authorization, then there was a major screw up. I know sometimes when agents are overloaded and a pilot asks to jumpseat they just take down his info and tell him to go ahead and board and then don't enter the info into the computer until after the flight is boarded and they're closing out. In any case, the fraud was detected and he wasn't allowed to fly. Since the door was never closed and there was no danger to anyone, I don't think this was a big deal.
Kat Bais 1
He HAD a regular passenger coach class ticket!
preacher1 1
Me neither. Much ado about nothing. Stuff happens and was caught/handled. I was just listening to CNN and they led with " A man sweettalked his way into the cockpit". Chances are, if he would have popped the jump and sat down, they would have had a nice flight to
Roland Dent 1
Should be 20 year prison sentence.
Ric Wernicke 1
It takes Visa seven seconds worldwide to authorize my credit card. Perhaps they could encode the stripe on airport credentials and allow a fast check of anyone claiming access.
emmanuelaponte 2
ummm. its called CASS maybe??
Ric Wernicke 1
Except CASS is not universal. It also charges airlines per employee to use it. I have not seen the roster for a while, but I don't think Air France is a member. It does not include a biometric which I have come to the conclusion is necessary to keep the riff-raff from counterfeiting credentials.
preacher1 1
pfp217 2
Where did the ticket come from? If it was a jumpseat pass they'd have to check his employee ID upon issue and again at the checkpoint and again at the gate no?
Kat Bais 1
He DID NOT have a jumpseat pass. He had a regular coach class ticket. My guess is that he was trying to prove a point about the TSA. HE was able to gain access to the cockpit very easily, making a joke out of the whole security process!
The question is why did it take the gate agent and not the pilots he was sitting next to, to know that something was wrong!!!
Andy Tyler 2
it said the pilots were suspicious when he couldn't operate the jumpseat.

And besides 747 pilots aren't exactly up to date on the inner workings of an A320 cockpit...
It shouldn't have gotten as far as the jumpseat. He wasn't in a uniform, plus he was a pilot from a foreign carrier in the cockpit. The pilots should have questioned it immediately. The blame goes on them, luckily the gate agent caught it.
Christy Timmons 1
don't they have to get through the gate agent to get to the pilot! Credentials are to be shown before the pilots board the plane.
Christy Timmons 1
I finally had time to read the whole thing so now I understand how and why the gate agent handled the situation.
Christy Timmons 1
I am not a pilot or anything! I was really just wondering.
preacher1 1
I've always wondered about that open cockpit door during pax boarding anyway vs. the sterile cockpit rule as well. You are absolutely correct in that they should have caught it. I got to go up into oil country next Tuesday to KISN. Too dang cold up there for this old
The new oil Mecca up there, which airplane u going in?
preacher1 1
CRJ. Aman might get the 67 in if they ever had to go as long as the wind stayed right and you could use 11/29. Even with the CRJ, I'm gonna be light just in case the wind took a wild har and I had to do 2/20. That'd be like landing on a highway, but I've had to do that before It ain't much, just another boomtown
preacher1 1
Weren't you out that way here while back?
preacher1 1
Never mind. You were in WY. I member
I just got on, yeah it was Pinedale WY
preacher1 1
Yeah, they are debating right now about going up this afternoon in case we would have to divert. My 2cts worth is tht while no alternative, I don't think it will be a problem. There are a dozen or so RJ regionals in/out of there daily.
There u go, tell them to take the airlines...

preacher1 1
Unfortunately, that's what they got us
preacher1 1
They just decided. We'll go in the morning, but Dude has decide he'd better go along to look this place over. Leon and the newby can cover the 67 if anything comes up
Toby Sharp 1
by Local you mean French of course.
Toby Sharp 1
Oh come on you guy he was just tryin to stick it to the man and save money for a ticket! hahaha
Esteban Marin 8
what an idiot, i hope he spends a season at a high security "resort"
Pilotguyr6 1
French people.....
jlevine2 -2
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Local/State Man impersonates pilot on US Airways flight at Phila. Int'l Airport

WEST PHILADELPHIA - March 21, 2013 (WPVI) -- Philadelphia police have arrested a French national after he impersonated a pilot on a US Airways flight last night.
seaallcom -2
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Man impersonating pilot reached plane's cockpit at Philly airport

Philadelphia police have arrested a French national after he allegedly posed as an airline pilot and gained access to the cockpit on a US Airways flight Wednesday. reports that 61-year-old Philippe Jernnard is accused of impersonating a pilot while boarding the Florida-bound flight at Philadelphia International Airport.
After being a denied a seat in business class Jernnard allegedly boarded the plane and told the flight crew he was a pilot with Air France, according to the report.
Boyd on vacation or what???
preacher1 1
I haven't seen him on at all in the past 2-3 weeks.


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