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F-35 Stealth Fighter Drops Its First Bomb

Amidst heavy criticism—and in the middle of a Presidential race that will be key to its future—the beleaguered F-35 Lightning II program keeps marching on: Lockheed Martin has completed the fighter's first weapons test, successfully dropping a 2,000-pound bomb from its left internal weapons bay over the Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake's test range. ( Más...

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chalet 1
Don't understand it, this was supposed to be a fighter then it was changed to a combination fighter/bomber and is costing $ 130 million each and counting and is still a long way from meeing fully its perfromance parameters. In the meantime the Tomahawk has proved in actual battle conditions to be one of the deadliest and most precise bomb delivery missile that can fly for thousands of miles launched from well behind enemy linesand and it costs only $ 1 million a pop. Where is the math justifying the F-35
T. D. Blodgett 1
The first drop was on August 8, 2012
Colin Payette 1
That was an inert bomb and they weren't even aiming.
Jeremy Kudlick 2
Both drops were release tests.

BTW - it's great to see the Corps leading the way, like always. :D
Jeremy Kudlick 1
Thanks. And pardon my spelling in the original post. now == know.

Jeremy Kudlick 1
Hmmm, the note at the bottom states it's the first drop for the F-35A, but not for the F-35 program, and links back to itself... Anyone now when the first drop for the program was?


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