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Mooney Factory Tour (Pictures)

Pictures from a tour of Mooney's Kerrville, TX factory from September 2012. ( Más...

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usad 7
Thanks for posting the pictures, Andrew. It's been since the late 1970's since I've been down to the "Hill Country." I took a M20-F down to Kerrville for service on a nose gear. While I was waiting and walking around on the ramp (with no TSA or Homeland Security to worry about) I spotted the new Mooney 201 being wheeled out of a hanger. Walking over and to get a sneak peek, a gentle surprised me from behind and asked what I thought about the 201 compared to the F model he saw me fly in with. I told him the 201 looked fast just sitting still.

The next thing I knew, he offered me a ride as he was about to do a flight to calibrate an RPM gauge. I couldn't believe my luck. Who was this man? He turned out to be none other than "Mr. Fast" himself, the late Roy LoPresti.

That day continued to be unusual. After I returned to my home airport, someone I'd never met, but who was instantly recognizable, was making a pit-stop for fuel on their way to Kerrville too. That nice gentleman/author was Richard Collins. I got to read his article on the Mooney 201 in the following issue of Flying magazine.

A great day all around.

Andrew Stagg 5
Glad everyone enjoyed the pictures. Thanks to Barry Hodkin (MAC CFO) and Chad Nelson (MAC VP Operations) for arranging the tour.

Mooney is still in business with 9 employees providing parts and technical support. Although they haven't delivered a plane since 2008, they have several on the assembly line in various stages of completion that are preserved until they can resume production. For those who don't know, Mooney produced the fastest piston single, the Acclaim Type S with a top speed of 242 kts.

Kerrville is still a great GA airport with no TSA or Homeland Security. Although I fly into ERV frequently, this was only my second visit to Mooney.
Scott Keller 5
Heart breaking to see these actually.... Nothing left but a parts distribution operation. There's got to be a better path to take than keeping things mothballed waiting for a buyer. I sure wish Saul would loosen his grip and let them take new orders.

I love flying the Acclaim. TKS, G1000, 130 gallon tanks, Stormscope and more. No piston aircraft can touch it. The Corvalis is 4 inches wider, forgiving and a little more comfortable, but its performance and controllability does not compare. As for the speeds, I've tried and tried, but never made it to 242 knots. BUT, I can consistently get to 232...all while sipping fuel at 20.9 gallons per hour (30.5/2500). Makes Austin to Washington, DC a piece of cake.

Those old designers sure knew what they were doing. Too bad the finance guys didn't, too.
These are great people at the Mooney factory. I've visited there before, and they were always very open and friendly; typical Texas hospitality! The company has managed to survive through good times and bad, still dedicated to making great "pilot's planes" that are fast and fun to fly. It's sad that they are now down to bare minimums, but I would be willing to bet that they'll be back!
Douglas McRae 4
I live in Kerrville and find it sad to see the factory so quiet. I fly a P210 and have never flown, or flown in, a Mooney, but I am a fan. I sure hope this company can come back and get all up and running again.
dba74m 1
Do they let you test-fly a plane if you act like a prospective buyer?


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