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Boeing adding cell phone compatibility to some of its airliners by 2013

Could the days of having to turn your cell phone off when flying be nearing an end? Aircraft manufacturer Boeing seem to think so. It's begun the process of outfitting new models of its 747, 777, and 787 airliners with hardware to allow incoming and outgoing calls, with the aim of making them available to airlines by 2013. It even has a kit in the works that will let airlines upgrade existing 787 jumbo jets to support cellular calls. ( Más...

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sparkie624 1
A Couple of facts here, after 10,000 feet most cell phones are useless. There will have to be an effective Cell Phone tower inside the plane to allow for a signal. This is truly one thing I do not want to see... Some people who think they have to be on the phone 24X7 are just impossible to sit beside or be around... especially those who think they have to talk very loud to be heard. I am sure that the Airlines are going to charge a premium in Roaming Fees, and you still will not be able to use them below 10,000 feet.
Jeff Hunt 1
Important people don't carry cell phones, they have people to do it for them. Constant cell users are self absorbed, insecure spoiled brats who constantly feel a need to have people notice them. Hey Boeing....just because we can do something does't mean we have to do it. I agree with many others, I will not fly on an airline that allows these electronic umbilical cords.

nuff said

[This poster has been suspended.]

sparkie624 1
chalet 1
If the airlines are hard up to generate more income, which is understandable, they should protect those of us who want to have an undisturbed flight; perhaps the solution would be to have some kind of booths from where the parrots can make all the calls they want without annoying the rest.
Kenneth Schmidt 1
They already have them, it's called the lavatory.
howard eigen 2
this is crazy and will cause arguements, fights and untold aggravation for flight attendants. Can you imagine what it would be like getting stuck on a flight delayed for 2 hours with all these people yelling into their cell phones and trying to sound important. Boeing should spend its time trying to design a comfortable plane instead.
Ricky Scott 1
We dont chose the seats.
JJ Johnson 1
You are right. The vast majority of humans who blab into cell phones are not important and totally irrelevant except in their own mind.
Please NO NO NO!! Taking the bus or driving is sounding better and better all the time. If that option does not exist then boycott any airline that provides this service. What a nightmare!!!
Charge people to use it, make it expensive enough to deter those who just want to ramble on about absolutely nothing but if it was URGENT you wouldn't mind paying. Also make calling and no calling sections of the aircraft. Use your phone in the no calling section and you have to stand up in the aisle and apologize to everyone on board for breaking the rules.
John Bergmans 1
It's possible that this may not be as much of a problem as feared. If the airlines charge a fee for use of this system, something they'll undoubtably try to do, in-flight cell calls could be rare as the calls made via the seat-back phones installed in the late '90s. (I think I've only ever heard one person use one of those phones for a total of about 2 mins).
Tom Bruce 1
God... Please.... say it isn't so! glad I retired... if I was still flying every over week I'd kill somebody....
Raymond Puff 2
I agree! Sitting next to some inconsiderate passenger who decides to talk the entire flight would be terrible but it would be great to be able to communicate with someone if needed!
euronorb 6
Bad news as far as I'm concerned.....aircraft were the last place to escape the constant noise pollution of people rambling on about nothing.
chalet 4
I will refuse to fly any airline having this feature lest they allow me to carry on board my very own Magnun Super Duper Xtra Power Multiple Target Sling Shot Weapon (won't kill anyone but capable to make the jerk stop breathing). LOL!!!
Jim Quinn 2
Boo! Hiss! I'm glad I ALWAYS have earplugs in my carry-on bag in case of crying babies, but they cannot help it....


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