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Piper Runs Out of Runway

Aircraft: Piper Cherokee. Injuries: None. Location: Marlboro, Mass. Aircraft damage: Substantial. What reportedly happened: The pilot said the 1,659-foot runway was the shortest runway he had ever attempted to land on. ( Más...

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sparkie624 1
Sounds like the plane and pilot was under qualified.
geroldn 2
My sympathies with the Archer pilot. Its funny how easy it seems to land just before the numbers and turn off at the 1st taxiway in less than a 800' when the runway is 5000' long. Its a whole 'nother story when the runway is 1600' long...

I've done a 1000 ft landing on 11000' at Westover; I felt really silly when I then realized I had a 2 mile taxi to the FBO!
Jim Quinn 1
I've always said that there's no shame in going around, but there can be much embarrassment if you don't. Okay, so you may get a little grief from your buddies if you go around. So what? What do you think they'll be thinking if you bend tin? You can always use the excuse that airline pilots use when they're a bit hot going into Midway in Chicago, and it's happened twice to me: "There was a truck on the runway and we had to go around..."
Sam Ashton 1
I'm not suprised. With a runway that short I'm suprised there aren't more accidents there.

Paul Claxon 1
I can land an Archer at PMH in 700 ft and turn off most of the time. Don't do it very often cause hard on brakes. Like a little head wind tho.
Chuck Taylor 2
He must not be proficient
preacher1 1
Somewhere in there I believe I would have tried another go round. 3rd time's charm
Roland Dent 1
Diplomatic of you..think even I could have done this.
preacher1 1
Well, he recognized that the first one was way off and went around. You would have thought he would have seen that forward slip did not bring him down enough, swallowed some pride and went around again and did a little more that time. Numbers and TD marks are there for a reason.I guess he learned that the hard
Roland Dent 1
You talk of PRIDE...hahahhaa...??? I prolly would have done a navy landing and snapped the wheel struts..let the insurance company meet the bill..haha. Wind shear...
preacher1 7
1659' is short enough, though very manageable, BUT, when you let nearly 1100' go by before touching down, that remaining 550'is a bitch.


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