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Artist Skywrites the First Thousand Digits of Pi over San Francisco

Any eyes in San Francisco that weren't focused on Apple's announcements yesterday might have noticed something peculiar in the skies over the Bay area. As part of the ZERO1 Biennial—a months long festival celebrating the coming together of art and technology—an artist known only as Ishky used several planes to skywrite the first 1,000 digits of Pi over the city, in a piece cleverly (and obviously) titled Pi in the Sky. ( Más...

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smoki -2
No planes could be seen or heard so we must assume they were there flying in formation. A waste of gasoline and oil to print a bunch of meaningless numbers.

sparkie624 2
Very interesting.... Need to mute the commentator though... He has no common sense.
lenanolan 3
I loved it. What a way to get people talking and wondering. Great advertising stunt.
Victor Engel 1
I think it's a stretch to call this art.
Chris Donawho 3
If anything, it's the art of flying formation in a really straight line.
andrew kennaugh 1
The planes were Grumman Tigers, according to this
Eric McNett 2
Huh, i was looking really hard for planes but couldnt see any, I also would have thought even though people were talking i would have heard 7 or so piston poppers.
Toby Sharp 1
the planes were at 10,000ft.....that's why you didn't see or hear them
Eric McNett -6
For some reason I'm having a hard time believing this, how do you print that fast and clear with a plane, i mean cmon those numbers have to be pretty big at that altitude, right? do they know what kind of plane did this?
David Sims 1
This is an example of skytyping, rather than skywriting. The way this works is to have several aircraft flying together, with a computer controlling when they release the puffs of smoke. Works a lot like an old dot matrix printer, using many smaller dots to create shapes, symbols, and letters.
Victor Engel 3
Yes, skywriting 1000 digits would be much more impressive!


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