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Police: Unruly flier enraged by neighbor's reading light

An Alaska Airlines passenger may face charges after police say he launched into an expletive-laced tirade against a fellow flier who declined to turn off her reading light. ( Más...

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dmanuel 3
If he is charged, convicted and jailed, I wonder if his cell mates will turn off the reading light when asked.
sparkie624 3
He should face charges... the reading lights are designed not to disturb your neighbor. He is an idiot.
Will Miller 1
Troy Raiteri 1
The retarded people now a days...
JJ Johnson 7
It does piss me off that people read all night on a red eye or run their mouths about useless nonsense. But, you are crammed in with other rude humans so ear plugs and a sleeping mask is the only guarantee you won't be dealing with a rude jerk on a night flight

This guy was met by 5 deputy's at the gate? Can't cops do anything without being in a
gang any more. What ever happened to one cop dealing with an issue? 5 cops for a loud mouth. What a waste.
Michael Smith 3
Not everyone can sleep on a plane, red eye or not. I know I can't. Maybe if I was in a lie-flat seat I could but I can't sitting up.

The guy arrested is the one with a problem. I hope they fine him heavily.
preacher1 2
Best I can tell from the story, the locals let him go, BUT, the Feds may have a say in it. As others have said, a sleeping mask would have been a cheap investment.
preacher1 3
In defense of there being 5, you don't know what their dispatcher told them as well, BUT as I said earlier, you don't know what kinda crazies are out there either, and all of them like going home unhurt at day's end.IMHO
Arthur Baumanns 2
There are idiots right here! Look what came out of JJ Johnson garbage mouth. I can see him going crazy on a plane. His answer to all problems is to shot it. What a world this would be if we all did what he recommends.
Kenneth Martin 0
That airport offers hot and fresh doughnuts, that is why there were so manys cops.
preacher1 5
We got a lot of on cop patrols and issue handling down here, but that being said, you can't tell what you're walking into anymore with some of the crazies that are out there, ala Aurora or Hollywood a few years ago. There are just some mean people out there

JJ Johnson -9
That's what a gun is for. IF? the person is crazy shoot them in the knee cap and cuff them. Cops massing at an incident is out of control now. They need to be cops and handle it. Where is the guy going he is on an airplane with one door. They used to hire big men to be cops now with all of the Napoleon complex short guys and women cops the thugs think they can do anything. Political Correctness is killing this country bit by bit.
Michael Smith -1
Cops tend to shoot to kill. If there are 5 cops then 5 cops shoot the guy and 5 cops get paid administrative leave. Win-win for the cops, lose-lose for the citizens they are supposedly protecting.
pdixonj 8
"That's what a gun is for. IF? the person is crazy shoot them in the knee cap and cuff them..."

And that statement is precisely why you (or anyone who thinks like you) need NOT become a cop.
JJ Johnson -8
So if they are crazy and dangerous just rub their head and give them lemonade? OK what ever you say flower child it's all groovy man
richard weiss 6
For about a dollar and a half he could have stopped by Wal Mart and purchased a sleeping mask. I carry one on long haul flights. They work great. That $1000.00 fine he may have to pay will make it look like a good purchase.
AccessAir 11
Entitlement mentality...
Toby Sharp -5
AKA American
richard weiss 6
Your travels must be limited. It's the same anywhere in the world
William Bannan 8
with the flight being only half full, he probably could have moved to a different seat
Toby Sharp 2
What a great example he was to his kids. The Captain should have came stomping out of the cockpit and put that guy over his lap and given him an old school spanking. What a child! The real story here is 87 pax on a 73-800!!!!! Terrible!
There's probably a ton of mail on there making it profitable.
preacher1 2
As you told me one time, " What did they go out there with."lol


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