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Boeing patents a possible design for an A380 Competitor.

A new patent by Boeing shows a possible double decker aircraft featuring two very large engines and a monolithic wing through the center of the fuselage. What are the chances? ( Más...

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amahran 1
I thought we were going to try creating more graceful aircraft as the years progress...not more ugly ducklings...

...and what about the center of the wing system? That region generally needs strong support to prevent the joints from just snapping....what happened to that concept?
If this patent becomes a real concept, woe to planespotters worldwide.
Ian Guy 0
Last week everyone was saying Airbus was stupid developing a double deck aircraft, this week it is OK because Boeing says so - make up your minds people!

It'll never happen

Ian Guy 2
Last week everyone was saying Airbus was stupid developing a double deck aircraft, this week it is OK because Boeing says so - make up your minds people!
siriusloon 0
As the FlightGlobal article says...

"Breguet's range equation is a cruel tyrant. The fuel-efficiency-conscious airframe designer has only three levers -- weight, thrust, and aerodynamics -- to pull and yanking one often complicates things for the other two. At the concept stage, however, it still helps to tug upon one of Breguet's levers, just to see what happens."


"As the fan diameter increases, the 747's classic low-wing attachment to fuselage becomes impossible. So Boeing attaches the wings into the middle of the fuselage, then carves out space for a full payload within the wingbox structure. It's hard to imagine how this works in practice, but as a thought experiment it's an interesting idea."

Key words: "concept stage", "just to see what happens", and "thought experiment".

It's a patent filing, not blueprints so they can cut metal (or composites) this afternoon.
Doug Jette 2
I heard somewhere that one of the 777's engines could power a 747. I don't know the validity of that statement but if its true, you could just put 2 of those on the plane and heighten the landing gear , or they could flatten the bottom like a 737.
pancho man 1
The test you're speaking of involved a GENX engine (such as those used on the 787) being tested on a 747 for further use on the 747-8. In the test, the other 3 engines were turned off, and the single GENX engine powered the 747 through a low level cruise test.

However, Considering thrust values, 2 engines is a very near possibility. The A380 employes 4 engines rated for 60,000 lbs of thrust, totaling 240,000 lbs of thrust. A GE90-115b turbofan, such as those used on many 777's, generate 115,000 lbs of thrust, each. 2 of these turbofans total 230,000 lbs - just a mere 10,000 lbs short of the total thrust an A380 has.

With lighter airplanes due to composites, the GE90 would almost be sufficient to rise to this task. However, GE is also working on the GE9x project - a refresh to the GE90 engine series for newer planes, such as the new upgraded 777 series due in the near future.

TL;DR - We already have the engines to meet the demand that such a plane would need - We only need to build the plane.
Dubslow 1
The engines on the 747-8 produce 66.5 Klb of force, so two of them is 133 Klb. The largest 777 engine (GE90-115B, -300ER & -200LR) produces 115 Klb, so... it's feasible. You'd definitely need to design such an engine almost from scratch, or as-from-scratch as is typically done.
Robert Duke 5
Hideous looking if ask me, even uglier then the A380. If they insist on 2 "massive" engines put the wing on top of the fuselage aka: C-5 Galaxy.
Dubslow 0
Sorry dude, old news
editorialphotos 0
I know. Got chew!!
editorialphotos -2
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Boeing files new patent

sorry I made such a mess of this post. Corrections made.
editorialphotos 0
here is the actual link;
editorialphotos -2
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Boeing You Guys Are Amazing

Boeing files patten for full-length double decker to compete with A380
Posted on my twitter acount
masum ahmed -3
colocollegeguy 2
I do not like when my caps lock gets stuck
Nick moore 1
I think that is a very good idea but i hope that Jetblue wil buy it. N797BA
Chase Tompkins 1
Put the engines on the tail... ;0
jcisuclones 6
A plane spotters dream aircraft.
pilot0987 1
It looks like a third grader could have drawn that.
Wingscrubber 1
Personally, I fully support having kids design airplanes - and with the slowness of the patent system, if a 3rd grader submits an application, the patent will be awarded just in time for him to graduate from college!
tim mitchell 1
well great ideas do come from unlikely sources
Roland Dent 2
Yup my view exactly...I am full of them...haha
Roland Dent 2
"I dunno about you, but I'd always figured that there was some important stuff going on inside the wings of big airplanes to keep them from snapping off or whatever." Been a while since a wing snapped off, but glad someone appreciates that fact.
Kira Andreola 2
Ditto Wingscrubber. I wonder how in cabin engine noise will be different from the average jet if this plane does indeed get built with counter-rotating fan blades. Things would get pretty loud, I would guess.

Just a comment purely on the aesthetics, but this beast certainly lacks the graceful lines of today's 747.
Pete Templin 2
Can someone explain to me why four engines (or three, for that matter) is so bad? A twin needs a 100% redundancy margin, whereas a quad needs only a 33% margin (I'm sure it's higher than this to account for differential thrust vectors and such). Looking at Wikipedia, it seems the 777-300ER has a combined thrust/weight ratio of 29.8% but only 14.9% when down by an engine, while the 747-8 has a thrust/weight ratio of 27.2% but a relatively stronger 20.5% with one engine out.
Nicholas Ng 1
Fuel efficiency.
Andy Tyler 1
Isn't it obvious? In today's world of high fuel prices, twinjets are far more fuel efficient and cost effective than planes with more engines. Its why nobody flies trijets anymore, and the only reason jumbos have 4 engines is because there are no engines that could sufficiently power it on two alone. Engines are so reliable these days anyways, ETOPS works. 2 engines is far more cheaper to operate than 4 engines or 3 engines, and you get the same results.

Pretty much the main reason the 777 crushed the A340, and also the reason the MD-11 only lasted less than a decade in production.
Wingscrubber 3
Adding engines, while it decreases the criticality of losing a single engine and improves redundancy it reduces your overall system reliability. I.e. it's more expensive to perform maintenance on 4 engines than 2, and apparently also impacts fuel burn - this is evident now with teh A340 becoming relatively uncompetitive in comparison to the 777.
But that said, everything about 'ETOPs' makes me uncomfortable. Airbus ran an add some time ago arguing that the A340 was safer for flying overseas - people chuckle at that now and say twin engines aircraft are good enough, but I still prefer 4 engines!
Wingscrubber 5
I don't like the look of the wing spar running straight through the passenger cabin!
tim mitchell 4
In case of engine failure the passengers can just flap the like your lifes depend on it "flap flap flap....glide....flap etc"
notaperfectpilot 2
well, the 747 was the biggest passenger aircraft out there for over 30 years before it was surpassed by the A380; so maybe Boeing will come ahead, who knows?


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