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The perfect plane: Beds, cocktails and no kids

A survey finds that, in an ideal world, air time would consist of entertainment, relaxation and trying to find a partner ( Más...

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So basically, everyone wants their own Gulfstream........good luck with that. Lol
conmanflyer 2
That is so unrealistic! who would want to walk through all the flirting and all the children and all the sleeping people to go take a shower? you'd hafta stop for a bring with all that!
Alain Rustici 1
Oh Yes, Yes I have right to dream............
notaperfectpilot 1
hmmmm, doesn't look like they left too much room for the pilots....then and again, tickets would probably be something the only Bill Gates could afford!
tim mitchell 1
nice but highly unlikely it will ever happen
preacher1 1
Might be good for International or cross country domestic. Besides the rest being too short, all this would be well and good til it came time to buy a ticket.LOL
tuba 1
Wondering about the survey methodology; hard to believe you can simply ask an open-ended question ("What would you like?") and have the responses fall into neatly-organized clusters. Okay, well, maybe the "no kids" part. But it probably means there were multiple-choice options to select from... which means that the vision of the "perfect" plane mostly reflects the desires of the survey author.

Kira Andreola 0
I'd hate to see what this would do to ticket prices.


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