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Qantas Hosts Dreamliner's Vist to Australia

Australian travelers may get a chance to see Boeing's aptly named Dreamliner as it makes several stops throughout the country this week. The aircraft is arriving in Sydney on Thursday May 24th and will depart out of Darwin on June 1st. ( Más...

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Tahir Zia 1
Is anyone know when breamlander come in adelaide
Andrew Taylor 2
They ordered 50 to be split between Qantas and Jetstar, it looks to be a pretty promising venture!
preacher1 3
Like I said, "Go get 'em Boeing".LOL
preacher1 1
How many Dreamliners has the Q got on order? I thought AB had a brown ring on their nose as close as they were to them folks and here the Q is hosting all this? Go get 'em Boeing

djsflynn 2
50 all up - the first 15 are 787-8s, all slated for Jetstar (first JQ 787s to fly in August 2013); after that, 35 of the 787-9s, due 2015-16 FY (so I'm thinking 2016), to be split between Jetstar and Qantas, the actual who-gets-how-many split yet to be determined.

Note: there are ~rumours~ that Qantas will take a few of the 787-8s earmarked for Jetstar, for rollout on high-traffic domestic routes. Qantas is holding a press conference on Saturday morning, prior to its first Aussie media flight for the Dreamliner, so if that's the case there ~might~ be an announcement made there.


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