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Air Force Tells Pilots ... Slow Down

The USAF is exploring options in its effort to reduce the amount of fuel used across its 4,693 aircraft fleet. With the recent price increase in oil, the Air Force is seeing a $1 billion increase in fuel cost for 2012. The Air Force is the largest energy user in the federal government, making 900 air mobility flights globally daily, including combat sorties. ( Más...

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He mentioned profiteering. Apparantly he didn't do history. Pacific architects and engineers during Vietnam was huge and making hundred of millions. And who was a principle. Ladybird Johnson.
Randy Marco 0
Dwight D. Eisenhower warned the U.S. in his closing address as President about the Military Industrial Complex over expanding and becoming too much of a debt burden on the GDP of the United States.

The U.S. now accounts for approximately 40% of the WORLDS global arms spending (yet we are only 5% of the World's population) and our Military spending is over 6 times larger than the military budget of China. Bush increased the military budget by 50% while in office. Our Navy currently spends more than the biggest 13 Navy’s of the World COMBINED.

Ya the Repugnant’s at their finest, keeping the Industrial Military complex intact so BIG companies get RICH-ER while small business & the middle class wilt & die!!!

Just as Eisenhower said when he left office The Military Industrial Complex is America's biggest problem. Our total military budget now is BIGGER than ALL the military budgets in the world COMBINED!!!!

Re Oil: The US uses 25% of the worlds oil & our Military uses 1/2 of that!!

The Military is the biggest reason for our debt PERIOD!!!
richard weiss 0
The military is the biggest reason you can still run your mouth, Randy and not have to fear taking a bullet for exercising that 1st ammendment rights. China is big country, you might fit in there much better.
Brian Bishop 1
Total military spending by the US accounts for less than ONE THIRD of annual deficits under Obama. That's a fact.
richard weiss 0
Food stamps for the one third?
This student says we're idiots and don't have a clue, when the only thing he knows is what some wacko do nothing professor told him. I luv it!! Lol.
richard weiss 1
So right, James. When a profile of one these left wing fools is checked, it's always a student. No experience in life or the air.

The famous Winston Churchill was asked why he switched party affiliation from liberal to conservative. Mr. Chuchill stated that " if by the time a man is 20 he is not a liberal, he has no heart. But if by the time he is 40 he is not a conservative, he has no brain."
richard weiss 1
You might think it strange, Randy, but during the time we added 50%(I doubt that number) we were involved in crushing the greatest treat to our country since Hitler. Your plan would have been to beg for forgiveness from Islamists, bow to a few more near eastern dictators. Thank God we had "W" instead of that tree hugging wacko, Gore.

Your plan would be fund more wellfare, foodstamps, and healthcare for illegals, while being overrun by terrorists.

If The USA are such an evil place, Randy, I suggest you move to North Korea, Iran or Venezuela for the good life in the utopia of socialism.
Randy Marco 1
You might think it strange but the Iraq War was an war started simply for profiteering. Bush & Cheney should be charged for treason!

If you are referring to the Soviet Union, they collapsed under the weight of their own military spending & they certainly were NOT a threat like Hitler; it was just more Right Winged paranoia.

No you are just another paranoid ignoramus that has no clue as to the Military Industrial Complex costs as it relates to our deficits.... just remember Rome fell under the weight of its military AND certainly YOUR opinions carry NO weight as compared to Eisenhower!!!
richard weiss 1
Yeah, another young punk with more mouth than brains.

During the 23 years I served in the military, we were underpaid, underfunded and overtasked. We did it to protect the rights of idiots, like you, to be able to speak their minds. You may be proof it was a mistake.

Go ask your ponytailed professor to give an example how our quality of life would be better if the military was dissolved and the funds spent on creating world peace through weakness.
Randy Marco 1
The more you post, the more you demonstrate that you are an uneducated hick with below average I.Q. Truth be told, most likely you & Wallace are gay lovers in hiding as is usual with many Repugnant's!

Regarding the military, too bad you weren't on Omaha Beach as that might have wised you up a bit and your service certainly did not keep me safe, in spite of your grand disillusions.

Underpaid.... you volunteered remember? You're just another loser that couldn't make it in the civilian world, sucked the government teet for all its worth and re-writes history daily to try and validate your sorry existence!!
richard weiss 0
no facts, just babble and insults. Look who is and uneducation bag of hot air. Your vast experience in life has given you all the answers to create a better world. Please go make your world in that image, but leave the rest alone.
I thought they loved gays. That sounded like a slur! Lol
richard weiss 0
It's okay, James. Randy is still trying to earn his big boy pants. LEL (laughing even louder)
Brian Bishop 0
"Military Industrial Comlex" = buzzword of "911 Truthers"
(cue twighlight zone music)
Randy Marco 1
So.......... Eisenhower was a "911 Truthers", you are truly an ignoramus in denial of TRUTH!!
richard weiss 1
The soviet union collapsed because socialism doesn't work...Period. Central planners in Moscow tried to run a country with a one size fits all mentality, governing nearly a 100 ethicities.Russia has more natural resources than we can imagine, yet they could not bring it to market. Now the USA has vast resources and we have an idiot in the White House that is preventing product from reaching the market.

We have 50 states for a reason but our dictator in chief thinks he knows what's best for everyone. Sound familiar? The Romans tried central planning. How did that work for them? Your are obviously too young or too dumb to understand why we've reached this point in our history. 70 years ago we had super power status thrust upon us reluctantly. We didn't seek it. We had a small, under equipped military that wasn't ready for the challenges it faced. Everytime we have reverted to a weak military some two bit dictator would challenge the world.(can you say Jimmie Carter) We would always be caught off guard, and have to rebuild. Which is more expensive, rebuilding or maintaining a deterent force?

Since Randy is obviously a graduate of the JFK School of Goverment or the National War College we should all listen to his wisdom on deplomacy and national defense. The liberal, KUM BYE YAA, approach has served us so well, Randy.
Here is a little insight into Islam from a man who was kicked out of the military for being too rough on a prisoner while trying to find out where they took some American prisoners.
I keep hearing about the "truth" but the learned ones are not saying what it is. What it looks like is they don't much care for the USA so I suggest they either get out or stay out.
You can argue we hit the wrong target. But hit a target that was involved we did. Beat their ass into the dirt(sand). We haven't been hit since. If we didn't hit somebody we would be a perpetual target. You kill Americans you too will be killed. Judging by the last ten years, we got the right people. If we didn't who cares, we got the message out.
Randy Marco 0
Proud to "hit a target" any target..... you and your secret lover boy (weiss) are an embarrassment to yourselves & to America. You are as clueless as Palin as to who the enemy is, people like you are why America is in such the mess that it is!!!
richard weiss 0
where do you get get the time to post here. Aren't you too busy with Occupy Wall Street? You'll grow up some day, Randy... or maybe not.

My suggestion to everyone posting here is to ignor Randy from this point on.
richard weiss 0
You got my AMEN, brother James.
Brian Nasset 0
Not that I don't mind A GOOD POLITACAL DEBATE but I always thought that this was a Aviation forum Why don't we come up with a solution for the Air Force with all the Very Intelligent Pilots in this group Just Don't tell the Fighter Jocks to slow down!
If they need another billion dollars worth of fuel just take it from the money we give to countries we don't really like and who hate us. There are many of them and each one receiving multi billion dollar handouts from uncle sugar. Uncle sugar=you.
Love your plane. Just don't fly it. We're sending the money to Chaves. We love him!!!
Allan John Kelly 1
Hauling the Obama Adminstration is very expensive.
sparkie624 2
Very True... Just think if they had spent their vacation money on what really needs the money...
SlopeOak 0
I'm showing my age, but this reminds me of the '73 oil embargo when Nixon made them slow down Air Force One's cruising speed. Wound up burning more fuel at the bottom line because the aircraft was in the air longer!
I have a hard time believing that. Every plane I ever flew got more mpg at a slower airspeed. I'm not talking about slow flight.
I only had 2 ossifer.......
Les Edmondson -1
Jack DeMarre 3 days ago 9


Just add that billion into the $1.3 trillion deficit... nobody will notice.

But then wouldn't it better to spend that money on fixing New Orleans up which they are still in poverty (Like this one... we will god knows how many years after the devastation still F ALL DONE) and get their health system up to scratch for all.
considering all the money (Zillions of dollars) wasted on the Military and their so called defense of other countries which has almost made them bankrupt (or has)
It would be better if they didn't rush into with the attitude we are the only force who can quell the opposition (Take for example Vietnam WE WILL CONQUER ) in which they all ran with their tails between their legs.This was after the French Gave up.
also noticed that the USA will drag every other country they can into their fight.
Basiclly the USA Should get their own country sorted out before they try the

Now I'm waiting for all comments on this one Should be interesting !!!!

Just another comment 2 friends of mine went to Las Vegas to see the big city
They were impressed with all the main area but when they went a block eachside
of that they only saw pverty and most of them were EX SERVICEMAN who are still waiting for their beloved country to suppoort and help them That to me seems like full support to those that have SO Called defended THEIR COUNTRY ...What a load of Crap you guys are
Roland Dent 2
Now look here..The Allies won WW2. How can you deny that this was and is the

precursor of ALL that happened since. Coulda Shouda Woulda. 165 million people

legally murdered in the name of freedom this past century. We were all pawns then

and we still are now. Our system is NOT perfect. I would write to your political

rep if I felt like you do.
john cook 1
He did but Stallin did't reply.
Les Edmondson 0
The USA Only came into the 2ndWW after the attack on on Pearl Harbor Before that they didn't want to get themselves involved but then they tried/or took all credit for winning the war
go and read the history .
john cook 1
And you can't read, after your buddy Adolf kicked everybody's ass we came in and saved the world.
What a Maroon!
alistairm 2
The united states was in WW2 before Pearl Harbor, in a kind of indirect way though. Go and read about the Eagle Squadrons and the Lend Lease Program.
richard weiss 1
Alistair, why do we keep finding common ground. Has the earth changed its axis?
alistairm 1
lol, well, i don't know. It took me a while to get to this post... 126 comments!!?? But i can clearly see it has turned into a political debate; therefore, i will stay away from it - it's not my politics to argue about.
Roland Dent -1
And of course USA was supplying Hitler with cash, credit, and goods up until Japs kicked off I think.
richard weiss 1
Not true. We were locking Nazis in the late 30s that were trying to win over the downtrodden masses in the USA
john cook 1
It wasn't the USA it was the democrats.
Roland Dent 0
Les Edmondson 0
James Lee Sr 3 days ago 5


How much fuel does Air Force One burn on each flight? How about the fuel for all the accompanying aircraft? Only 17 vacations on Air Force One @ $186,000/hr.

Oh Hell now that really stuffs the Ozone layer up
Roland Dent 0
totally ridiculous request...too many MBAs with zero practical experience
Roland Dent 0
all that will happen is that FedEx gets a bigger monthly share 'cause some nugget government MBA has been given a free lunch
chalet 0
Yeah, right, penny wise poung foolish. Saving a few cents here so that the Air Force can pay for the god-awful cost over runs in that lemmon called the F-35 and for its replacement that will cost several zillions in the 2020s and, also for .... lets see, ............ well there are so many wonderful things that the "patriotic" defense contractors are contriving now that our National Debt will continue climbing like a rocket.
Roland Dent 2
Chalet..tell me why the F-35 is a lemmon. I said Hi in a post below..but Hiya anyway.
chalet 0
Just recently an Air Force general nothing less explained to Congress that a new jet fighter "to complement" the F-35 has to be designed, built and delivered by 2020 (published in Aviation Week) and that the two of them are going to do wonders to the U.S. defense system. Also recently the Marines Commandant -who is a fighter pilot- said to Congress he did not know (or perhaps did not want to acknowledge) the final cost of the F-35. If a new toy has to be built pronto is because the current one is well short of the specs. In short an (expensive) lemmon
john cook 1
There she go's again! Come on, back on your MEDS remember you like the Red Kool-Aid with the blue pills.
Hay chalet what's the ozone like somebody asked?
Your points on costs are well founded. That said I would rather spend it on airplanes than give it to countries like Venezuela so Chavez can line his bank account.
Roland Dent 1
John... is chalet a lady pilot?
bob christman 2
They'll slow down when pigs fly.bobx
sparkie624 1
LOL, Coming from obama.... Not surprised.
alistairm -4
What the F_ck is with the "Text Enhance" ads now?? Come on FA.... very TACKY!!!
alistairm 0
Oooops, maybe it is just my browser, not sure..... Sorry
James Lee Sr 3
How much fuel does Air Force One burn on each flight? How about the fuel for all the accompanying aircraft? Only 17 vacations on Air Force One @ $186,000/hr.
Why have you waited to bring this topic up? I am not impressed with tardiness.
Roland Dent 1
mark one ...strike!
Les Edmondson 1
Oh Hell there goes the Ozone Layer again
John Danzy 1
It burns the same amount fuel per hour to take Air Force One to Crawford, Tx.
Lewis Tripp 2
A B747 in Crawford,TX? It sure diddn't cost $186,000 per hour for useless to play golf.
john cook 2
No, 1 trip to Hawaii for Xmas with the support planes for the extend family and close Friends[150] burns the same amount of fuel as all the people in Los Angles county will use in a life time,1 Trip marry Xmas ,It's Good to be a wanabe King.
Walter Ferguson 3
Yeah, but George W did not take nearly as many trips to Crawford as Obama has taken plus his missus and grandma plus entourage touring the world.
Lewis Tripp 1
You got it right.
Your memory is lax. Did you read a newspaper once in a while from 2000-2008. This whole topic sounds like a GOP put-up.
richard weiss 0
Hey John, the facts are available at I'll compare the current occupant of the White House to last anytime as it applies to wasteful use of Air Force One.
Mike Moore 1
LOL - thanks for the link Richard. Turns out that while Obama took 172 flights in 2010, your boy Bush averaged 209 trips a year! So now who's the more wasteful?
john cook 0
LOL; michell obummer takes the 2- 747's to new York city twice a week shopping.
Once a week on a hard earned vacation Whistler,the Hampton's Paris ,south beach etc etc etc.
Oh don't forget the 2-747's to New York city for the dinner date's How romantic!
Pres. Bush go's Texas for vacation The obummers and 150 close Friends and family go to Paris.
Oh I forget the Pres.Bush & Larua take There Dog!
richard weiss 1
I guess mike moore is going to Pelosi's web site for some more fact.
Walter Ferguson 3
But who was more productive, Bush protecting the Country and the Constitution or your boy doing his best to destroy it??
richard weiss 1
Mike, I noticed you were careful to NOT post your source of that data. Having spent the last 30 minutes searching the net, I can't find anything to support your statement. Please post your source. If you say Huffington Post, or Michael Moore, we'll know it's BS.
Roland Dent 0
Gotta rmbr Dubya had no Blackberry unlike Bamby
I wouldnt care if the pres rode AF 1 every day if he could get something positive done for the country. Haven't seen anything in 3 years and very little in the previous 8. The runaway freight train just keeps gaining speed. Wee wee
Roland Dent 0
Made the French act in Lybia. (is that how you spell it?) They have a hell of a military air force too. First public offensive action since they withdrew in SE Asia in about '65 I think. Well regarded in EUR..haha, by me anyway.
They got their ass kicked in 55 .
I could care less about Libyia. I would like to see some good things for the US for a change. That is who he is supposed to be taking care of.
alistairm 1
Yes! Please forget about Libya, Saudi Arabia and Iraq!!! Oh, and at the same time, forget about driving your car as well.
They will sell the oil no matter what because they are greedy pigs just like the rest of the world. They also don't have much else to sell the market on sand and Persian rugs is flat. Lol
alistairm 0
Sure, but they could always choose to sell it at a much higher price. It just goes back to choosing battles. We choose Libya becasue of the Oil. Desert Storm, act 1 and act 2, because of oil. Keeping oil rich nations in your back pocket only benefits. I am jsut wondering when you guys will invade Canada?? lol:)
richard weiss 1
We'll invade Canada, when we have a beer shortage.,(:-D)
john cook 1
We have enough oil to keep the USA in $1.00Gal. gas for the next 100years if we can drill for it.
And don't export it!
I agree that a lot of the involvement there is because of oil. In reality there is enough oil in north and south America to supply this part of the world for a long long time. Price of oil doesn't really matter. It will get mined, sold, and consumed for generations to come. Partnering with Canada and taking Venezuela sounds more enticing to me. Plenty of targets of opportunity much closer than the middle east. Lol
alistairm 0
I like the fact that you said "partnering". I feel safe now, lol.
We love to go kill together. Bloodbrothers!,
Roland Dent 0
thx for spelling. The problem with the USA..well with most USAers is that they think that there is nothing of any imnportance outside of the States. Most of the world 3/5 of it lives on less than $8 per day. Your leadership does not give a damn. The whole idea of capitalism is to get things going..all your guys do is use eco theory for the top 5% of your own population. You don't look after your own because your top folks are greedy selfish types. You have even got bubonic plaque in parts of Oakland FGS.
Brian Bishop 1
^ idiot without a clue.
Please tell us what we don't have a clue about mr. Student.
john cook 1
Ya the girls shoot it into there rears to make it look bigger!They buy it on the black market from canada.
$8.00 a day? lucky people.
Roland Dent 1
You read about where 10,000 French women had their boobs filled with industrial used in WD40..instead of the surgical stuff?
richard weiss 1
I guess you'll never get a grip on those 10,000 french women. (;-D)
Roland Dent 1
...what a waste of good breeding stock..
It is not that I have anything against the people in other countries. Every country has its unique culture and practices. That is what makes the world interesting. Trying to change everyone to adhere to laws and practices we accept is folly and wrong. For instance when we leave Afghanistan it will revert to its previous self instantly. Viet nam is another good example. Our military should be used when necessary for the purpose it was intended. That is not to change cultures that don't follow our laws or rules of behavior.
David Sims 3
Not to start a war, but more out of curiousity, I wonder how much fuel does something like a B-1 consume during an afterburner takeoff. I'm not advocating reducing operations, I prefer to have a well experienced and trained military.
DashTrash 1
I flew with a Bone driver who told me with the burners lit it's burning about 250K pph.
richard weiss 1
That's true of most AB aircraft. Full AB at sea level = 15 mins of flying.
Richard Frost 1
B-1 in A-G config, going from 0-350 knots.. (assuming that 350 is pushed, and it's not less, taking off in < 2200ish ft) burns 1k-ish.
tim mitchell 2
I am going to just keep my mouth shut because the last time it all went horribly if they combined some the C-130 loads and put them on larger planes like a c-17 or c-5 that could cut out some of there routes...also trucking most of there goods in the states would not be a bad option either and they could even use some of there closed bases as hubs....I also notice that when most bases fly training routes they usually use 3 aircraft at a time....reduce that number to two during nonesenstial training but also leave the option for the three aircaft formation at least once a month.
richard weiss 2
If the Air Force started moving cargo by truck, we'd have to change their name to "TruckForce".
Randy Fewell 1
Ground mobility is the Army's bread and butter. The Air For e wouldnt stoop that low... Pun intended
tim mitchell 0
I was just referring to a hub and spoke network not long haul
Weren't you going to keep your mouth shut?
tim mitchell 2
I just couldn't do it thrustt; I just couldn't do
pilot0987 1
I like where this is going!
indy2001 3
Maybe a few old putt-putt's can be salvaged from B29s for stand-in APU service. Or possibly convert a few old lawn mowers from the closed USAF bases.
Roland Dent 0
Cheaper to hire in the guys from the north with their DC-3s.
AccessAir 1
Is that akin to Obama telling everyone to have regular oil changes and make sure your tyre pressure is correct?
richard weiss 0
Yeah, that's correct. While we are driving around in show boxes, Mrs. Obama is using airforce 757's like taxi cabs. Some idiots still have faith in Obama.
Are you in America??? If so, it's tire not tyre. Blame Obama for my comment...
Ok, I'm sure we will. Goes with the territory when you're the HMFIC. In reality we have decades of this to blame on the entire (entyre) fab 535 from too!!
chalet 1
No, its is all Bush's fault (the Dumbya one that is).
Roland Dent 1
Hiya Chalet
It WAS his fault when he was the HMFIC. That ended over 3 yrs ago. What hasn't ended is the lame performance of the rest of the 535. It continues no matter who is pres.
john cook 1
Ya life was bad 4 years ago I didn't know what to do with all the money I was making,so I buried it in the back yard,Guss what? smartest thing I ever did!
After obummer got done with the economy every body lost but me and my coffee can.
Fab 535?
Congress, senate, president, and the supreme court. They controll the whole enchilada.
tim mitchell 1
alistairm 2
Oh boy, here we go, this is going to turn into an "it's all Obama's fault" posting. Sayonara
JD345 8
Just add that billion into the $1.3 trillion deficit... nobody will notice.
PVUpilot 4
How about we tell the government to slow down on giving our money to other countries? That might just save some money...
alistairm 9
lol, tell your government to stop borrowing money in order to give money to other countries.
That is classic sir! Puts it in terms even the dumb asses might comprehend.
PVUpilot 1
Haha or that... It's so ridiculous.

richard weiss 2
We don't always agree,Alistair but on this one, we do.
alistairm 1
I am marking this moment on my calender Richard, lol:)
That's it!!!
JD345 3
Well played.


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