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B-2 Bomber Fleet To Get $2B Upgrade

WHITEMAN AIR FORCE BASE, Mo. -- Pentagon officials are moving forward with a 10-year, $2 billion upgrade of the nation's fleet of B-2 stealth bombers to bring their communications systems up to speed with current technologies. ( Más...

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David Sims 1
Two billion spent on the B-2 fleet, must be just a new set of windshield wipers.

Seriously though, it is amazing that despite how high tech these planes were when they were first built, often the avionics in a Cessna these days are more advanced. A G1000 with G530 and G430 suite would possibly be considered an upgrade.

zennermd 1
As far as I can tell aren't we still the only country with stealth technology?
preacher1 1
I believe you are correct but soon not to be if F35JTF goes ahead
indy2001 1
It's hard to believe the B-2 is 80's technology. It doesn't seem possible that it was so long ago that the world was awed by the 2nd-generation stealth aircraft.
preacher1 1
It is hard to believe that but it was late 80's and it saw some action in Kosovo and up there but it's real trial by fire and high publicity came after 911 and those long duration missions out of Whiteman to the mid east and back. When you think about it, a lot of the early Boeings out there flying yet today all came out with that same tecnology and have been upgraded, and some if not all the 52's are underway or have already been upgraded.


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